Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to BUSHleague's message

I am not sure that is the point at this point in time. For some reason there are folks who "own" (?) shares in PTSC who do not want to see or do not care to admit that any company that does not live up to it's potential has a problem.

Like a sports team that is loaded with talent but loses more then it wins (in our case much more). After a while ownership figures out the reason for losign and then moves to remedy those issues. Though they may drop some of the talent the first to go usually is Management. Ron and those of us with kids know that the only time winning may not be the "important" thing is in youth sports where "sportsmanship" is the thing we are looking to achieve for our young ones. But owning stock in a company is not a charitable, humane or morally uplifting experience. It is a money making venture as a professional sports team is a winning and yes a money making venture.

So to argue that our Board of Directors should have been gone a long time ago to me is a no brainer and has been one for well over the many many years I have been a shareholder. As I have said in the past I have been one of those who has been fortunate to have bought low and have sold some of my holdings over the years. But I still own stock in Patriot for the very reason that I bought in the first place and that is due diligence in the product (read patents). I do however have a very real regret and this is I have directed family and friends into Patriot and most of them bought and still own their shares at much higher levels then our current share price. I feel responsible for their current paper losses and can only hope that someday that paper loss will turn around.

It is management and has always been management that has caused our company to be where it sits now. It is how they have handled the raising of capital with warrants (who says the feds are the only ones who can print money?) and it was the question of Fish and Moore and patent ownership which brought about the MA with TPL and to be frank it is how the MA was agreed to. I know there are shareholders who felt it was either the MA or lose everything. But to me we were pushed into a one sided MA by Swartz and his hand picked Board Member and the other Board members who were promised nice pots of compensation from Papa Leckrone (admitted to out of his own mouth).

Nothing, I have written is new to most of you if not all of you. What I have tried to do is lay out the importance of what I feel and have said before is immediately necessary. Patriot Scientific needs Professional Management to succeed at this point. It needs a Board of Directors to start acting like a Board (either new people or the old (like that will happen with the old timers)) and that means take your hands out of the till, buy some stock and let Professional Mgmt run this company and if all that means is to handle lawsuits in the best way possible for the company to survive so be it.

For any poster to take the side of our current Boards actions to this point proves to me that either they are not very bright, they have never run or managed a business or they are shills for the current Board. In a sense I apologize to these folks for being brutally honest but time is moving on and all this infighting is doing is costing us time and share value we do not have. And to prove a point as we have had very little correspondence (news) from our company (read Board) I can only assume that the Board is not forgoing one penny of compensation during all this time we have not reported any new signings of note.

So the time to act is now. Talking and arguing amongst ourselves should have ended years ago. I have corresponded with Ron and Brian my personal feelings on the issue of shareholders standing together and raising capital to fight our Board. But the issue is not the Board and should not be about them it is about what we own (the patents) and what is being done to manage them to get the most value out of them for the shareholders.

Manage is the word and to me at this point if it takes selling the company to a Corporation that has the clout and management skills to realize the value of our patents that would be okay with me and I would take stock in trade.

However, I think I forgot that the infamous MA that was agreed upon by most of the current board and other interested and reimbursed parties. I seem to recall there is a clause in the MA that states that if PTSC wants to sell it's rights in the patents it cannot do so without TPL agreeing to the sale. That part of the MA upset me back then and still does so now

This has been one of my infrequent ramblings but can it at least get this Agora Board to focus on working together? If that can happen then I will feel like I have accomplished something. By the way has anybody heard where our next annual meeting will be scheduled? I understand that Nome is nice in January.

God Bless you all and thanks for your patience


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