Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

And the same goes for all shareholders. As long as shareholders are organized and work together they can vote in a new board or board member. They can hire with their votes someone that will represent the shareholders. If Stan and others have over a half a million shares each or even more that represents real voting power.Someone wrote it would take 40 to 50 million shares to do that. I believe there are at least that many shares to vote that way. I think that makes the current board nervous.

Shareholders need to be assertive and proactive reguarding other avenues as well. The point is to help the board see that they are not the best people for the sake of the shareholders. Can the current board change the shareholders perspective? So far I doubt it. I have been willing to wait for many years.

I heard a reporter this week say that "trust" doesn't cut it anymore, you have to have proof of your story. I hope the BOD heard that too. It is a sorry state of our country that the reporter had to say those words. Which is more important on a dollar bill, in God or we Trust? Somehow I think both words used to mean what they stood for. I guess both are about as valuable as the paper they are printed on.

My trust in the BOD is almost gone for good. I am wanting proof now. If they can't provide the proof, then I want a new board that can provide it or at least instill a sense of Trust.


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