Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

Well, my two-day reprieve turned into only one. Late yesterday morning, I learned of a friend who is having serious surgery this morning, and the remainder of the day was spent with that situation. However, I received a number of emails and other communcations from members here, asking for my overall comments on our present status --- my apologies for not being able to make personal responses, but the following will need to suffice. If any of you have directed posts to me in the forum, I have not gone back to read anything since early yesterday morning, and will be now unable to do so.

It seems that many people are expecting a drop in our share price today, and, while that may indeed occur, I think that, if it does, it will be more of an emotional reaction that one based on what is actually occurring. The Company's Q report will almost undoubtedly be dismal, but that's to be expected since there have been no announcements that would indicate multiple new licensing deals or contracts. And, as to the situation with TPL, please remember that several of us here on the board have told you for many months that the re-cert of the '336 was not the problem --- rather, the problem, as now shown in last week's PR, has for a long time been TPL.

I fully expect that Leckrone will attempt to delay things as long as he possibly can, just as he has done with Charles Moore. This is simply Leckrone's M.O. --- work yourself into a position that you can assert as being inexpendable, then put the screws to, if not outright cheat, the person or entity that chose to associate with you. Hopefully, the situation is a bit different this time, and PTSC, with its additional resources, will be much more aggressive that Mr. Moore has been --- but in any event, I see the stance described by PTSC in its PR as being a positive thing going forward. IMO, all efforts should be exhausted, and no expense spared as long as our legal team is performing effectively, to right what Leckrone has wrongly done. I would rather PTSC go bankrupt in such an endeavor rather than exist to serve Leckrone and provide a paycheck for the BoD and management, with no benefit to the retail shareholders as we have seen for so long now.

I wanted to make this post before the day gets started, in response to those of you who were kind enough to contact me. Again, my apologies that I cannot make individual responses, but for reasons previously advised, I will now be going back into absent mode.

Best wishes to all.

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