Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
Re: Fat....
about 14 years ago
in response to fatwollit's message

Again, my friend, you are mixing too many concepts that requires too much generalization to really be meaningful. But I'll try.

First, and, although it is again a different subject, I most certainly do not agree that "bashing" lowers stock prices except perhaps in some situations and in a very short term scenario. Most companies who make such claims are the very ones that have terrible earnings or other factors underlying their non-performance, and it's always easier to simply blame "bashers" for the company's own lack of ability to deliver shareholder value, especially over long periods of time.

The above having been said, there is no law against what you might call "bashing", unless, again, such involves actual defamation, which, by definition, involves untruthful accusations. For instance, if someone wants to publicly assert, night and day around the clock, that, "the CEO of ABC Company has no idea what he is doing, and he needs to step down", such a statement might be "bashing", but it's not legally actionable --- at worst, it's an expression of opinion, even if others disagree about the CEO's abilities.

Of course, it remains my position that all the talk we see on message boards about "hyping" and "bashing", or who is being "positive" or "negative", is really pretty much pointless. All a company needs to do is return value to its shareholders and the accolades will follow --- it isn't the "hypers" or the "bashers" who made the decisions that resulted in whatever financial situation a given company might find itself.

Let me know if you have other questions. Best wishes.

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