Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

I am sorry to say I am still around. I have purposely stayed off the main board for a while as to be honest I am having a hard time following, "the he said she said they said that seem to be a majority of the post lately. As one of the older members of this board and one of the longer term shareholders of Patriot and Edig I have seen my share of ups and down in bulletin board post tone and innuendo but this past couple of months I feel has reached a new zenith of activity and not necessarily for the good.

It is my opinion that it is very possible that the PTSC Board is very happy that there is so much dissension amongst shareholders, at least those represented by recent postings as it will make it that much harder to get new qualified shareholder type rep(s) on the Corporate Board. They are seeing a divided group of shareholders while they stand as one looking out for each others interest which we all know has been lucrative per the voice of Lecky himself. I have found that based upon direct contact with shareholders I am associated with and trust that quite possibly a combination of Stan and Brian on the Patriot board would provide a beneficial shake up that shareholders have never seen in this company.

As a former board member of for profit as well as non profit corporations I know Boards of Directors are suppose to be just that, directors not managers and we have not had that for a very very long time.

Now to my Title heading: Crumbs: As far as a lack of PR releases the company has done this to us for a very long time with a short break while RG was in control. They do this with the comment that it is in the MA that TPL controls our PR's (though now it seems we control their checkbook but sure wish it was a secured checkbook). They throw a bread crumb or two (pr(s)) at us the shareholders. Inevitably at least some on this board are thrilled and the Agora board is for the most part a fat and happy place to be until the next Agora board explosion. When it is time for another crumb.

Folks, I for one am tired of crumbs from our company and the only way we are going to stop being fed them is to pull together on our oars in the same direction and get those new Directors elected this year. A short caveat I know what we will get with Brian and I hope that we will get the same from Stan but to be frank can he be any worse then most of whom we presently have representing us and this is meant as no disrespect to Stan as he is a fellow San Diegan and I hope a Padre and Charger fan.

Taxes: Wouldn't it be nice if we had a nice run in share price again over the next four months so that some shareholders will be in a position to take the favorable long term capital gains this year that disappear on the 1st of next year thanks to a tax happy Congress and Administration?

Of course this is all just my ramblings and my opinion.

God Bless


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