Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to biajj's message

Paragraph by paragraph:

And I disagree with most of your input. And I'll let it go at that.

I have already responded to the "commitment issue".

And your opinion of the letter was? I surmise you liked it, or you would not be supporting Stan.

I'm going to break away here for a minute and make something abundantly clear: I do not see this as a competition between me and Stan (or me and Pete, or me and anyone except perhaps existing BoD members). We have very similar interests with regard to the suggested actions that we'd like to see taken by the company. We share a concern about protection of shareholder interests. Ask Stan, as I doubt he views this as a competition either - there is no reason to. You and a few others can't seem to grasp this basic fact. It is YOU who tries to create the competition perception.

In response to four paragraphs down:

Answer: Yes. You seem to have difficulty with the words "petition" and "request". You do understand that they mean the same thing, right?

Why the talk of Pete? Where does Stan sit by comparison? The drop-dead for submittal of a request is 15 August, if I'm not mistaken. Why would an earlier applicant have any better chances than a later applicant, or vice versa? Unless PTSC's selection/screening criteria changed in the mean time, it shouldn't matter. BTW, the later applicant has the opportunity to observe the company in the mean time to see if they adjust their policies to their liking, thereby eliminating the need to act. Likewise, the later applicant has the advantage of perhaps seeing who else is pursuing the position and to assess whether that person/those people would properly represent their interests - if there were a dozen other candidates who may be better qualified and have like interests, why pursue the position?

I have a feel for the associated costs. Why do you assume I would HAVE TO process opposition filings? Just because Pete experienced this outcome? Is Stan experiencing this? As for Pete, he seems like a great guy (and I respect his Law Enforcement background - my brother is a retired Sheriff's Detective/SWAT Team Instructor, my nephew a Sheriff, my cousin a retired CHP), but his background is understandably not too conducive to the position. Perhaps mine will be viewed likewise, perhaps not.

I have addressed the "commitment issue".

Please re-read the "break away" paragraph above, and consider.


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