Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

I wish I knew absolutely with no doubt the answer to this crucial, critical answer to PTSC SP.

I mentioned yesterday the excellent decisions he made in going after Leckrone on 2 critical areas, using the MMP to sell his patents (and then having the audacity to charge us on the bottem line by adding charges to the MMP) and going after him for the $2 million dollar fiasco (Had Lecky been dealing to us instead of vice versa, we would own 20% not 50% of the MMP to secure a loan from him if we were lucky or he would have loan sharked us to death). Ask Chuck Moore if you don't believe me.

As most of you know, 3 people are critical to PTSC success: Johnson, Leckrone, and Flowers.

Cliff Flowers is learning the hard way but he can still get the job done by learning from past mistakes. He knows all the parties involved and is gaining valuable experience as interim CEO that will help him be a better CFO.

Dan Leckrone is extremely smart, an adversary who should be constantly monitored (thus the need for a part time patent lawyer on our staff) and a crucial ally that can and should go after infringers with the weight of the law behind us as MMP co owners.

Finally, Carlton Johnson. He knows the entire history of PTSC. People here talk about the BOD as this huge entity but they do not discuss this critical personality that has shaped PTSC's future. He has been there for years and continues even today to be part of the 3 amigos (Pohl, Swartz and Johnson). He knows what is under each and every rock. He previously was subservient to David Pohl, as CEO but decisions were made with his input for at least the last 5 years. I would NOT vote him off the BOD. I believe he has made all the right moves lately and was responsible for getting the important message on the success of MMP especially with input from Leckrone. I believe he was the author of that last PR. You could see the civility but also some animosity as Leckrone said yeah but if it was not for Alliasense (which is true but also showed his angst). With court deliberations between TPL and PTSC ahead, this may be slowing the train down. Our $2 million dollar investment must pay huge dividends. PTSC does not need to rub his nose in it but this is a business deal and this deal MUST help our position with the MMP and our business relationship with someone who I believe actually detests having PTSC as a partner. Johnson also made the critical decision to hire Baroni and fire Goerner.

The answer to the question is yes I believe that Carlton Johnson,Esq will get the job done.

These impressions of mine are just that impressions, of course. I cannot in any way say they are factual but I believe this to be true. Many on this board know this better than I do but with this talk of the BOD, it seems to be forgotten that this individual is the BOD.

I anticipate an important meesage soon from PTSC. It will be an important one. Up and to the right!

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