Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

I was told about the post you made earlier today, in which you requested my input on Mr. Caplan.

I am supporting Mr. Caplan for a BoD position. My preference would be that he replace Dr. Falk, but if that cannot be accomplished, then I would support Mr. Caplan for one of the open slots. Furthermore, if a qualified candidate other than Mr. Caplan should surface, I would keep an open mind and would certainly give consideration to him or her.

As for Dr. Falk, and as I have said before, I have nothing against him on a personal basis, and I'm sure he's a fine doctor. I've met him at a couple of shareholder meetings along with his lovely wife, and, based on my admittedly limited interaction with them, they both seem to be interesing, charming, and sincere people . Having said this, I am unable to articulate any basis for Dr. Falk to remain on PTSC's BoD, as I am unaware of anything he has done on an individual basis to bring any value to the shareholders. His tenure seems to be based on being a Falk family member, and I do not believe he has any business experience that would otherwise qualify him. As such, I would prefer to see his position filled by someone who does have business experience, and that the other, open slots be used later if necessary.

I am throwing this additional topic out for consideration by others who may be interested, but I will not be engaging in further discussion of it. Again, I made this post because you asked for my input, but I have no intention of posting regulary again at this time.

Best wishes to all. Back to work now.

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