Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to afewdollars's message

How can you back someone you know absolutely nothing about? What is their business background? Have they ever successfully managed a startup company and tuen it into a profitable company? What penny stock companpies have they managed and turn them into a NASDAQ or AMEX stock listed company? I have held 1 million shares since 2001. Substituting one fool for another does not solve anything. What are his qualifications to run a company? Has he ever successflly managed a company of any size? A donut shop, perhaps? Maybe a small business of 50 employees or larger?

Certain board members like Falk represent very large shareholders (Falk Trust). I do not know the size of their investment but by virtue of the size of their investment, presumably, are on the board. Mind you I am not defending this BOD. Far be it. I agree that some if not all should be removed. But substituting one fool for another does nothing to enhance our investments.

Ask yourselves these questions:

Who could have been on the board these past few years and have prevented the constant challenges to our patents before the USPTO? This alone created the most doubt among potential investors of the validity of our business.

Who could have been on the board these past few years have prevented the legal challenges in the courts from the infringers and tied up PTSC in the courts?

There are certainly legitmate criticisms againts the current board for other transgressions but can anybody actually garaunteed (sorry spelling is not my forte) that some of those they propose would have have any better?

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