Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to d2006s's message

So much for the "we want results, and we want them yesterday" demands. It looks like it has taken up to two years for this project to be fully implemented.

My gravest concern now is that as revenues from non-MMP Portfolio projects start to grow BoD bashing will will become even more vociferous, despite the obvious foundation for future growth being in place.

Will there be more revenues from the NJ initiative?

You bet:

We are excited to have enabled several agencies to connect with NJ-DEx and to be working with several additional NJ agencies

Just how many more projects are ongoing, and how far along are they? How many can only be announced on full implementation?

Attain "have always been impressed by CDX", and I suppose the same can now be said of Enforsys and multiple NJ law enforcement agencies. It might be worth re-reading the recent PDSG PR and noting the positives:

A look back to 2009:

Although, the revenue results of our acquisition efforts have been substantially below the expectations, we believe PDSG now represents the foundation of the new Patriot Scientific operating entity, targeting markets which are projected to experience significant growth over the next few years.

In the past year, PDSG continued to expand its law enforcement information sharing projects based in New Jersey. We are working with the New Jersey State Police and various counties, along with our local integration partner, Enforsys to enable the counties to share information with the New Jersey State Police, as well as, to potentially facilitate the sharing of data between multiple interstate and federal agencies.

We are wrapping up the Michigan Intelligence Operation Center or MIOC project, in which we provided data sharing capability for this Midwest fusion center. As is the case with nearly all of our public sector projects, our participation in this project gives us greater visibility, experience and most important of all, proof-of-concept credentials to pursue additional fusion center projects in the future.

PDSG also completed an extensive project with the California Administrative Office of the Courts or AOC, in which, PDSG assisted the AOC Data Integration Group's effort over several months to prepare the nation's largest court system for information exchanges that will involve dozens of California agencies.

Our AOC experience is valuable and differentiates PDSG, as we seek similar opportunities with other court agencies across the United States. We understand the AOC project to be the largest IEPD development initiative of its kind to-date. This high profile project enhanced our reputation as an authority, what are known as IEPDs, a federally required methodology, which prepares any government agency for successful standards-based data sharing exchanges.

As further evidence of PDSG's acknowledged expertise in this area, we have been asked to present two papers at the 2009 NIEM, National Training Event to be help later in September. This past year, PDSG's in-house subject matter experts were also sought out by the Sacramento Superior Courts and the Sacramento District Attorney's Office to develop and provide IEPD assistants, which will facilitate their sharing of justice and court information.

It certainly looks like "the evidence of success" was there, pre-empting any need to consider the sale of PDSG.




Be well

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