Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to l2007s's message

All the more reason to have controlled news, and informative releases from the company. So someone as nieve as Gloria doesn't go off half cocked and make foolish mistakes. I am sure she was trying to be sincere and helpful, but it was a big mistake, especially to put into writing, those disclosures to an individual investor. It does nothing to me but confirm my belief in the ineptitude of managment. And it scares me that this person may be responsible for negotiations concerning millions of dollars in my investment. Also, apparently there are no reprocussions for this foolishness. Perhaps that shows that there is a lot of you cover my lame a$$ and I'll cover yours going on behind the scenes. Perhaps this is the reason they don't have the confidence in their ability to even make informational updates... because they don't have any. AJMO

Great technology, poor managment= perhaps all they should do is hand out dividends, but I don't even know if that warrants a second chance. I don't want to get swartzed again or take another Pohl.

It is really a shame.

The Meek (and the stupid) shall inherit the earth. We insightful geniuses are just along for the ride to pay all the tolls. LOL

Might as well laugh while you are going down in flames.

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