Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

I was told

"you may not fully appreciate the consequences in the event your efforts cause you to be in receipt of material non-public information."

what exactly is being implied here- and yes my first instinct was to see this as a veiled threat--- always trust your gut.

To me, it implies that I have the power to produce an effect on certain people who may not otherwise be inclined to share material non public information. What are the consequences to me for sharing such information that may be freely be given to me and for which I would freely share with other investors. I'm all about transparency and the board is not.

I gave them my money and in doing so I put my faith and trust in the BoD to do everything in their power to bring value to me as a shareholder. They have failed and continue to spew the same garbage in every one of their formal communications them, they must have cut and paste paragraphs that they reuse time and time again. I can hear it in the board room now......hey Carl, the shareholders are getting restless again.. ...give them another formal communication and throw in paragraph 2 about shareholder value, 5 about how hard we are working and maybe 7 about how long it takes for M &As....that should quiet them down

The problem right now, as I see it, is that all formal communications have stopped. All we have is Gloria's very informal and in my opinion, very inappropriate communication to one shareholder. How many investors immediately began to worry what was meant about PDSG possibly being sold in 120 days. What are the consequences for Gloria in sharing material non public information to one shareholder. Should that shareholder be subject to consequences for in turn sharing that information . I think not.

I believe there should be consequences and heads should roll......but then again what do I know. I'm just a homemaker albeit a powerful one LOL and it's time for victuals.

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