Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to l2007s's message

Good for you, Laurie --- give 'em heck! IMO, the response you received is an outrage, but, unfortunately, your reply will probably fall on deaf ears since our current "working Board" members have no shame, much less any sense of responsibility except to themselves.

I remember a time when it was actually posted on PTSC's website that communication with BoD members and officers by shareholders was encouraged, and when one could pick up the phone and talk to folks there without being made to feel like some kind of intruder. It seems that as the lack of ability, and abysmal performance, on the part of the current team has become more and more apparent, they have become progressively more defensive and tight-lipped.

Furthermore, I'm not aware that it is prohibited for a shareholder to merely possess "material non-public information" (aka "inside information"). The crime is trading or otherwise profiting based on such information (or causing or allowing others to do so), not merely possessing it. Thus, while it may not be wise for the Company to readily give out such info and all public corporations should obviously be careful about such disclosures, there is likewise nothing wrong, much less unexpected, in shareholders seeking to know as much as they can about their investment --- in any event, shareholders most surely should not be chided or threatened for making such attempts.

And just what the heck is this stuff about "immediate expectations"? Not only did Ms. Felcyn herself specify the 120-day time frame in this most recent scenario, but the shareholders have suffered a serious lack of meaningful communication over at least the last two years, if not longer --- not to mention the steadily declining stock price since around April 2006 as the retail shareholders made Mr. Swartz mega-wealthy by purchashing his converted warrants.

Finally, signing the reponse "Patriot Investor Relations", which has become commonplace since the departure of Mr. Goerner, is a real slap in the face. The cowardice of current managment hit home with me when they sought to hide themselves in Chicago for the last annual meeting, obviously in the hope, which was realized, that few shareholders would be in attendance. But to not even provide a name on replies to shareholder communications shows, once again, that this Company has crossed the line into outright defiance of the very people who own it.

This treatment of a shareholder has IMO reached a new low in corporate responsibility, not merely shareholder relations. Indeed, PTSC is very close to making the term "shareholder relations" an oxymoron.

Best wishes to all.

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