Patriot Scientific

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in response to greeneyes111's message

You keep telling us how integrity is important to you, yet you fail to exhibit any.

And there you go, misrepresenting things yet again. From your post to NoJambos, April 9 at 12:41: "No one writes a PR without having the facts about someone (Brian) in front of them. Do you actually believe Brian did not have to give his Bio and or Resume to Mr. Pohl before this was written?" This is the document that you have fictitiously created so that you can post more in a series of misrepresentations about it.

So, my question to you is, where is this "bio" or "resume"? Have you done that stupendous DD of which you say you are capable, so that you have obtained a copy of it? Corporations, of course, keep things like this on file, especially when they pertain to committee positions and similar appointments. Since you indicated that it must exist, it is your obligation to obtain it. Only then will you have done real DD.

Interestingly, you keep stating what you find to be "odd". Here's some of the things I find to be odd:

1) someone who says he or she is capable of competent DD, yet doesn't engage in it;

2) someone who claims to have be a "very positive person", but who makes negative attacks on the character and integrity of others by using mispresentations, inuendo, and outright lies;

3) someone who is concerned about the violation of rules against personal attacks on message boards, but who engages in such himself or herself, without any documentary evidence.

By the way, you still haven't even done even the basic DD that would provide a basis for your having called Brian a liar so many times, which, perhaps among other items, would be the following:

A) a written document, or even a post in this forum, in which Brian has ever referred to himself as a practicing attorney;

B) a statement from Mr. Pohl and/or PTSC that Brian misrepresented himself as a practicing attorney, especially with reference to the issuance of the PR.

As to Mr. Pohl, it is obvious you haven't contacted him, and don't intend to. That's not what I would expect from a former investigative reporter --- except one who is comfortable with misrepresenting the facts. People without integrity just keep asking rhetorical questions and making unsubstantiated comments --- people who have integrity do the work of which they say they are capable.

I took a break from writing my brief to send this post, but haven't gotten around to reading your other one yet. Please try not to invent any further misrepresentations until at least tomorrow, so that I will have a chance to catch up.

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