Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ease2002's message

You say: ".....massive PUMPING.....". When was that? Other than the pump by Brian the other day, I don't recall much actual pumping any time recently (over a year, possibly two or more).

And that "pumping", would that include posts by none other than YOU relating input from your experienced EE friend, whom I believe you advised was your own Father, stating how the patents ('336) were good and should be worth XXXX in licensing fees? Posts like yours, along these lines, certainly primed the pump - if there truly was one.

I recall my own "what ifs" years ago suggesting great potential if things went just right. They certainly could have been regarded as "pumping". At the time (and still today) I regarded them as within reason considering all the caveats I attached. But here I must note that while I did hold PTSC stock at the time, I was not trading at all, just holding. And, if I recall correctly, when I made such posts, you were right there with me expressing a similar opinion. How times and attitudes and people's approach to how to use this forum have changed....

So, all this phantom "pumping" you suggest with the "continually speculated over and over and over again that everything PTSC was going to be "gold"" is the reason Agora's problems relate to PTSC today? Has anyone suggested more benefits that may derived from successful PTO outcomes than you, yourself, and recently? Other than Brian's "$5" post, and a couple that replied, where is all this continual pumping you suggest? The way you describe it, it should be easy for you to show us 50-100 examples from within the last month. As for bashing posts, I know exactly where to find 25.


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