Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to milestone's message

milestone... I mostly agree.. Placing one shareholder 'Rep' directly on the BoD would get relatively nothing accomplished.. certainly not considering the amount of work, anguish and cost needed to achieve that undertaking.. If the shareholders were to undertake an action that were to cost as much as the above idea, I'd suggest going straight to hiring counsel and having our BoD scrutinized regarding their Fiduciary Responsibility and if they have done their utmost to uphold it.. I think that would have the greater possibility of achieving the desired results.. but as I stated prior.. the undertaking would be daunting, and the potential consequences and certain expenses would have to be understood & accepted...

As for:

Turning now to the fresh slate proxy solicitation. I would expect, at the minimum, a lawyer, an accountant, and a person familiar with at least medical administration or government contracting

It reads like what we currently have (coincidence?) I prefer a different lawyer thank you.. Is an accountant really necessary?? The current one certainly has not been held accountable for her prior over cite. PTSC could hire an accountant.. and I agree, persons with extensive medical and/or gov't contracting, one each, would be optimum.. Replace the Anesthesiologist with such.

Now if the BoD would just realize & do this and save us all a bunch of money and consternation... let them have a million (hell 1.5 million) more option shares as a parting gift.. They may not deserve it but in the long run I think it would be worth it.

Perhaps Baroni will get this accomplished in due time...

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