Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to beanfumer's message

Not to pick on you necessrily, because what you say is a repeat of what has been said many times.

That second sentence...

"If TPL pulled a fast one on us, then there may be definately a case for a suit againt TPL or Shareholders against PTSC."

First, the "may be definately". ???

But more to the point: I can see the reasoning for how there would DEFINITELY be grounds for legal action - through the DA - if there were verifiable proof that TPL pulled a fast one on us, i.e., cheated PTSC and its shareholders.

What I don't get, directly, is the "Shareholders against PTSC" part. I assume you (and others) mean for not having performed their fiduciary duty.

Here's the thing that puzzles me, simply because it defies logic:

We hear so frequently about those greedy, greedy members of our BoD. Yet those ultra greedy people are completely passive about income?

Put another way, have you ever seen a truly greedy person NOT pay very close attention to where their money, or money over which they will have some level of control, is coming from? I'm talking obsessive attention. The thing that typically makes such people identifiable as "greedy".

So some people really need to make up their minds in their accusations IMO. Either the BoD is greedy and paying very close attention, or they're completely passive because they couldn't care less. I suspect, and hope, that they are somewhere in between. Reasonably Greedy, at a level where they are truly "interested". But this may be an instance where "greed is good". IMO, the greedier these folks are, the better we're assured they are "watching the store".

And by saying this, I am not suggesting greed to the point of being stupid. I seriously doubt that any of the players - at PTSC, TPL, or anywhere in between - are interested in going to jail. And IMO there are enough players involved here, all watching eachother, that worries that are so frequently mentioned on this board should be minimal. Or do you honestly think there is an infinitely strong bond of trust between PTSC and TPL? And that PTSC is completely ignorant of the dispute between TPL and Moore?

JMHOs that I hesitated to even post, because I really don't want to bother any more.


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