Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to patientman's message

It is my own observation based on my experience that the stock price moves up prior to the general public's knowledge of public news. ( You can look back to see how the stock moved up in March when there was news about the goverment service contract to see that the stock moved up with out an official PR even though the news was available to those that were doing their DD ) My point here is that if the stock starts breaking out ( how ever small that is ) it may be indicating that the news that you and I are so hopeful to arrive may already be in the pipe line. Wolfpack makes Pacers available here but they are not available as timely to the general public. When a decission is made and put on Pacer the general public won't know about it until way after the stock has started to move. As to how far up or down a stock will move on a break out seems to me to be based on the volume at the time verses the recent normal volume. So is news coming very soon or know to a few already? To me the stock price is telling me that it is. All my opinion. But the stock moving up is speaking for itself, unless the mm's are playing the stock like a dummy.

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