Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ignited's message

Two comments I read tonight stand out from all others. One was from Greeneyes and the other was from Marc. I’ll try to tie them together the best I can.

Greeneyes wrote: When I read the Master Agreement for the first time, I was bothered by who the third person was. Robert Neilson is his name and he was the broker for the supposed buyout offer from TPL to PTSC for the MMP. It wasn't long before Mr. Neilson became VP of TPL.

Why is this important? Neilson is the guy who worked with Leckrone to come up with an offer to buy PTSC for 7 million dollars! Was that a fair price then? Absolutely not. ( just so you know that = about .02 / share) Is a 273 million price fair today? ( .70 x. 391 million shares) I don’t think so. People this guy is/was on the PDS board! If Leckrone can get people like Neilson placed in such a key role in deciding what is fair to PTSC from PDS, what must he really be up to? Cloak and dagger stuff? I don’t think so. As someone mentioned here recently, “we are talking about a lot of money here. Leckrone used to despise PTSC, and he probably still does.

Marc wrote:Folks, as investors we all have different agenda's, goals and desires but as the saying goes "United we stand divided we fall"

With all the merger/ acquisition talk in the air, one must at least consider TPL has us targeted. It is spelled out in RG’s contract for all to see! All these recent hires by PTSC don’t look like friendly, let’s get it done types our “old board” would put in place, do they? They look like gun slingers who will get the job done no matter who they are working for. Who are they really working for PTSC or Leckrone? Maybe both. All of our “old board members” (including Pohl), have been granted enough options to make them happy and if I’m not mistaken, they’ve also already registered with the SEC to sell their shares. In the event TPL makes a play for PTSC I am convinced it will be with an under “true market value” bid. At least from the stand point of what retail shareholders believe “true market value” should be. I’m not totally opposed to a buy-out offer for my shares. But anything under a $3.00 per share bid just wouldn’t cut it for me. If that were the case, the members and shareholders from this board would need to put days and differences like today behind us and ‘Stand United”.

Do I need more sleep? What about the poison pill? These new guys are on our side? My opinion only.

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