Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to SGE1's message

"Perhaps the Js some how ended up with TPL by the short ones and TPL wants no one else to know how."

Do you think that JW would enable TPL/PTSC to pull a scam on other companies, knowing that their was at minimum either a validity problem/concern or an actual infringement concern?

I never said anything about a 'scam'.. if there is no more $ coming from the Js, there is some reason Lecky & Cook backed off even with Markman in hand... besides IMO if both sides came to JW and said we have come to an agreeable settlement, I don't think JW would care what it said.. "Great! Signed.. Oh, there's an MOU.. I'll visit that if and when I ever need to.. Now get outta here'..

"Perhaps the Js are actually going to assist TPL in other ways going forward.. Reexams or vs Arm... and wanted them held to it."

Do you think that TPL would actually believe they could get away with this, in light of the Master Agreement? AAh, you point to Sony and possible shenanigans there. How much money did we get out of Sony? None? A $10-15M ultimate loss (legal expenses)?

A certain possibility if PTSC's BoD agreed with the reasoning regardless of what it would do to sp.. The sp has been tanked for a yr and they haven't done much until recently..

"Perhaps the Js paid next to nothing for the MMP but have agreed to pay mega bucks for 'Core' and 'Flash'."

Not only next to nothing, but a major net loss on the endeavor. I again point to the Master Agreement. Would TPL jeopardize their interest in the MMP? At minimum causing court actions by PTSC that would bring MMP licensing to a screeching halt?

That would require our BoD to be proactive.. Hopefully the recent additions will bring additional changes.. Would TPL jeopardize their interest in the MMP... That is a very good question..

"Perhaps he is just accumulating enough shares at these depressed prices in order to gain himself a seat at the BoD table... where he can really set PTSC policy.. Wonder what TPL/Alliacense expenses might be then."

I suspect that when you say he, you mean Lecky. I would think that him getting a seat on PTSC's board would be a clear conflict of interest - in light of the Master Agreement.

Yes Lecky.. it wouldn't have to be himself...much in the same way as Swartz having CJ on the BoD is not a conflict of interest?

"Perhaps Lecky desires the whole enchilada so badly he will do whatever he needs to [mostly] within the boundaries of the law/rules to bring it within his possession.. by purposefully keeping the price suppressed for over a year.. essentially setting a market value that may be within his reach.. certainly within the reach of colleagues if funding where needed."

And just how does Lecky go about suppressing the PPS? The only possibility here IMO is if he is in cahoots with Swartz. But how does Swartz benefit?

NDAs, secrecy & disappoint @ the Js settlement and the subsequent Q has maintained a nice low pps. Swartz no doubt 'got his' on the run up to $2 and the subsequent pure profit selling on the way down & now..

"Perhaps he just wants to merge with PTSC, in order to run the whole show.. How does that work? ....."

Umm, in case you haven't noticed, Lecky is running the whole show re: licensing. I doubt he has any interest in anything else PTSC has going on. Then you pose THE question, how to go about it. And I've opined on this before. IMO, there is no such thing as a real "merger" - a combining of exact equals - someone always comes out on top. And if they did pull off a "real merger", Lecky would not have control, but SHARED control - something less than he has now.

Yeah, I noticed, and he isn't even 'officially' a PTSC Director.. He would quite possibly be able to get his hands on the Preferreds and sit back and collect preferred divys, at a reduced tax rate, while us common retail would get no divys at all.. skimming the cream... Like you said: someone always comes out on top.. No arguement there..

Buy out? As I've acknowledged recently, TPL might be able to pursue this. Unfortunately for them, their own publicly spoken words virtually kill the possibility, unless they pay a rightful price. They can't run around saying that the value of the MMP is over $2B, then offer $50M for our 50% interest.

I don't recollect any where or time when TPL has placed an actual value on the MMP.. besides their $7M+ offer yrs ago.. perhaps my memory fails me, wouldn't be the first time. FYI, In Dec of '06 PTSC traded at under 60 cents.. 16 months..


I don't want Lecky to get us by the short ones at a point where we have no room or time to break his fingers.. Hopefully there are big revs coming from the Js yet and Lecky actually has our best interests at heart..

jmo... Thanks and regards...

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