Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

Right off, I have to say that I'll probably take a serious stoning for this post. And I have to make it known that it was NOT me who flagged any of Brian's posts, and I may have even missed a couple. I have not read all posts recently, but I have read a few regarding Brian, his post as SHR, and his posts. And I've reread some of Brian's posts from 4/9 and 4/10.

The subject of Brian generates a great deal of ire within me. Why? Let's do a reality check.

I cannot find the exact date of Brian's appointment to be our Shareholder's Representative, but I believe it was about three years ago (well over two). His charter was to be the average shareholder's voice to the company, providing advice from our point of view. 16,000-21,000 shareholders were counting on HIM to do this job, which he willingly accepted.

I challenge Brian to advise us of one solitary accomplishment he's made in this role. One. You'd think that if there were one, he would have told us. Maybe at least a clue.

He has said a lot of negative things recently (which I'll get into in a follow-on post), insulting to the company and to posters here. Some things are simply an insult to our intelligence.

So the last I've read from him is that he intends to go into great detail in critisizing the company's moves. This will undoubtedly be followed with a "we must hold PTSC management/BoD ACCOUNTABLE!".

How 'bout we hold YOU accountable, Brian? Every criticism you voice is a testimony to YOUR failure in the role YOU accepted, AND retained, IMO. "Wasn't my fault" is the easy response from Brian. "They did not solicit my input" or "They didn't consider my input".

IMO, any RATIONAL person who accepted such a role and found themselves impotent in that role, with 16,000-21,000 people counting on you, WOULD RESIGN THE POSITION. I mean really, after a year or two of either inaction on your part (indicating insufficient time available to perform) or of being flat out ignored, it seems that it would be blatantly obvious that you are completely ineffective in the role. Your approach? Your ability? Or just being ignored? Any way you cut it, INEFFECTIVE. RESIGN! Talk about sending a message to management, that one would be pretty darned clear - to them and to us - those little insignificant 16,000-21,000 shareholders you are supposed to be representing.

So Brian, you've been called onto the carpet. Explain yourself, please. Why haven't you resigned? Why do you hang on to that position when you're apparently serving no purpose? Why don't you vacate the position so that someone else could potentially step in and actually make a difference?

Could someone else do better? Who knows? But the question is, could they do worse? It sure doesn't look that way....

Now, I know everyone reading this will consider it an attack. It isn't. Brian seems to have no problem questioning the actions of the company, and demanding explanations - and accountability - from them. WE should demand the same from him - our Shareholder's (Non-)Repesentative.

Please give us an explanation. And spare us your planned "BoD Bashing" session - we KNOW that it'll do wonders for the PPS - and it'll probably just be a regeritation of things we all already KNOW, but with your voice attached. A voice that may be effective here, but apparently NOT where it counts.



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