Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

It seems this forum can be divided into 2 groups: the positives and the negatives.

The Positives: Those of us who, regardless of whether we have made or lost money so far, believe in the long term success of PTSC and that the stock is currently grossly undervalued. We believe in rallying together to create a positive milieu around this company; that is what is best for the company and best for each of our individual positions. This does not mean putting blinders on to anything negative, but it does mean ignoring negative speculation and not dwelling on negatives unless it is reasonable to do so based on fact or logical inference and thus far I have heard very little that falls into this catagory.

T he Negatives: Those who despite being shareholders continue to bash any and every little angle they can. This is conterintuitive behavior for an existing shareholder but as best as I can understand these are all people who have lost money on this stock (at least on paper) and they are so upset and frustrated with being in this position that the way they deal with it is to vent their frustations on this forum by bashing the company, the BOD, every bit of news...etc. Their need to vent supercedes their own financial positions or that of the shareholders collectively.

If even one potential investor decides not to invest based on something negative read on the board then was it worth it just to appease your own fragile psyche? This is lunacy. What a great opportunity this board is to share positive ideas, information and create that positive buzz that would be so good for us all, but is ruined by the negative distractors.

As has been expressed before, if you dont believe in the long term prospects of this company then sell and move on. The response is always "thats original" or "what about freedom of speech" or "you cant have a meaningful conversation with only one side." All those comments miss the point, it is not about being original, its not about freedom of speech (I dont even get that one, this is not a government sponsered board) and as I have said before, negative speculation and whining do not make for a meaninful dialogue and has no value to me. Furthermore, a potentially negative issue can be presented in a "what about this..." manner instead of a "our BOD doesnt do anything" nonconstructive manner.

Bottom line, this forum not only has little value, I believe it may even have a negative impact on the company, the exact opposite of what it was intended for. Until the climate changes I will bow out of this forum and watch from the sidelines as I remain long and strong. Best of luck to us positives.

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