Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

I have repeated it over and over again and some of you joined me or have said it before: There are many hints, that the shareprice got manipulated since nearly two years:

For Swartz to dump many of his shares, for PTSC to buy back shares and warrants (a shareprice of 0,80/0,90 last July/August/September would have meant about THREE millions more $$ to pay to Swartz!! This shows, that the low shareprice in this time period was good for the company and thus for us), for typical OTC-investors to stay away from Patriot as a trading opportunity etc.

But this manipulation is only perfect, if it goes further and as you might know communication is ALWAYS manipulation - the communication of every company is an attempt to create "their reality", which is nicer said than manipulation...

While most of you found and find the communication by PTSC bad, unprofessional and aimless, it could be the opposite: fitting to a plan we don't know, thus on their point and creating "their reality" = manipulating the current investor's community.

I don't consider this necesseraly a bad thing, every one is trying to communicate and therefore manipulate others - it's just something, everyone should keep in mind, when someone communicates or communicates NOT.

So far we have manipulation at the OTC and manipulation via communication - that's nearly perfect, but not total perfect. What's missing is to influence the only source of neutral information - the worldwide messaging boards. As far as I know, there are not many PTSC-MBs and only ONE worth reading, which is AGORACOM and which is - no surprise - sponsored by....yep, PTSC...

If I would be able to "destroy" this information source in order to make every  interested investor run away, after he began reading this board, manipulation would be totally perfect:

Shareprice extremely low, communication mysterious and reduced to the necessary, and the most important messaging board worldwide is full of anger, squabble, disappointment, fear etc. AND rows between the members.

Well, if the goal would be, that NOONE in the world should buy a share of this company, then I guess, we are very near to this situation.

This last step seems to have started just two, three weeks ago, but at this point I better stop and won't give more details of my theory...not without saying: ALL IMVHO.



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