Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to stillpoint21's message

I have already answered honestly.  Additionally, an intentional mischaracterization of what someone else said is a lie   ---   I would ask that you be more careful about this in the future.

Your post to which I am responding, and those we have both referenced, already provide the answers to your questions.  Nevertheless, since you apparently require repetition, I will do so.

I did not make any mention of instigating a shareholder lawsuit   ---   Milestone did, under certain conditions which he stated.  In response (expanded upon in a post to Ads), I said I would not sign the petition/complaint as counsel, but would be supportive if such was ever filed   ---   both statements are accurate, and I stand behind them.

As to the shareholder letter, one may indeed voice an opinion of non-support, which is his or her right, but there is no actual need to do since silence works equally well   ---   either way, one does not participate.  I see no conflict there.  If anyone wishes to give well-reasoned support for not sending the letter, that's fine with me   ---   on the other hand, posts like, "I'm not in favor of the letter" really don't add much and are the equivalent of silence, although again, people certainly have a right to post as they choose.

As to your "please answer honestly" remark, there was no need.  We have several members here who make it a practice to be devious and disingenuous, but I don't think you would find much support for any attempt to place me in that category.  I have never been dishonest in anything I have said on this board, nor do I ever intend to be.

Most assuredly, you have a right to post here as you wish, but before you go putting words in my mouth, or ascribing intentions to my actions, it might be best if you were to actually be accurate.  I am being sincere when I tell you that I would be glad to provide you with my email address if you don't already have it, so that you can feel free to contact me for clarification of anything I say here before you think about posting   ---   it's your choice, but perhaps that is a better approach than having to take your foot out of your mouth later.

Best wishes.

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