Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

I appreciate your acknowledgement that my intentions are in the best interests of the shareholders.

In view of some of your other comments, I want to be sure that everyone knows how the shareholder letter is constructed. It does not contain the names of any of the supporting shareholders or their individual share counts --- rather, it is merely signed by me, and states that "x" number of total shares are in support. Names and share counts are collected for the sake of validity, and because I won't represent anything that isn't true --- also, if we are ever asked by the Company, then, with the permission of those involved, we could provide the validation. That's how the last SH letter was done, and I plan to follow the same form if the new one is sent.

In view of the above, the content of the letter makes no difference in terms of who else may see it --- anyone who comes to this board could see the same questions, along with much, much more discusion of them. However, it is my opinion, and obviously that of others here, that having the questions in a letter sent specifically to the Company, with millions of shares in support, sends a more concentrated, unified message. The point is certainly arguable, but as I see things, this is more effective than the Company receiving hundreds of faxes (even assuming such is actually ever done), which is both irriatating and unlikely to get as much attention as a well-worded, respectfully-toned letter (as was the last one, which no one has ever characterized as otherwise).

Will the new letter get a response? As with the last one, probably not specifically to everything that is asked. Can it do any harm? I don't see how (the last one didn't). Will we have tried? Yes.

While I'm at it, I have seen several folks talk about Brian's involvement in the shareholder letter. I want to make it clear that, with the prior letter, Brian helped me with the editing prior to the time it was sent, and he was provided with a copy of the finalized version at the time it was emailed to Mr. Pohl. It will be done the same way this time, if indeed the letter is sent. Furthermore, Brian "pledged" his shares to the last letter, and will do so again. I spoke with him this morning.

Thank you for you "civil(er)" response. Best wishes.

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