Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

"Just how am I or SGE wrong to believe that we won a settlement that will result in a good April report and an increased share price?"

As I previously said, you can believe anything you wish.  However, an intelligent belief, at least for things in the human sphere, is based upon empirical facts   ---   in the current situation, there are not enough facts available at the moment to know who "won" in the settlement with the J3.  It's just that simple.

Similarly, with respect to opinions, an intelligent opinion is based upon knowledge and experience.  In the current field of discussion, you have neither   ---   I do.  It's loosely analogous to a situation in which you are a shopkeeper in the Old West who has never held a pistol in his hand, yet you choose to walk out into the street for a gunfight against a professional gunslinger   ---   unless the pro just has a bad day, or a bird flies over and poops on the handle of his pistol just before he draws, the likelihood is that you are going to get your head blown off.  The reverse would be true if we were operating in an area where your knowledge and experience was applicable and superior   ---   and I am sure you are quite intelligent and capable in your field.

You are right to say that my mind works in the world of law (and business)   ---   and that's the world in which the J3 settlement exists.  Thanks for making my point on that.

I have no desire to be at odds with you, but you continue to challenge me in a confrontational manner   ---   to then try to deny me the right to respond is beneath you.   As you know, I sent you an email through the board a few of weeks ago, offering to have this discussion with you in private, but you never responded   ---   instead, you have resorted to quippy comments in this "public" forum, such as whether I believe O.J. was guilty.  You say you don't insult people here on the board, but that seems to apply to you only when you're not actually in the act of doing so.

I can well understand why you want no further discussion of these topics, since intelligent discussion from those who are knowledgeable threatens your belief system, which you are then unable to support with facts.  You are confrontatational without the ammunition needed to withstand the backlash, and you become irritated when you are forced to that realization.  Talking within your field of knowledge and experience while asking questions and then listening (not just hearing) to the responses about the remainder, is the solution.

Please belive me when I join you in hoping for a "huge" settlement in April, maybe even with good news such as ongoing royalties in the interim.  However, if I remain on the board and you continue to post inaccuracies, I will continue to respond.

I am not your enemy, B   ---   I think you're a nice guy, and an interesting person.  I wish I had your experience in ballooning, and I think your balloon trips to France every year are really cool.  I would still be happy to talk about the issues surrounding PTSC with you in private, even by phone, if you wish, just as I have done with many others.  Ask me a sincere question and you will get a gentle and sincere answer   ---   however, when you get confrontational with me here on the board, I am likely to respond in the same tone since, unfortunately, that is what it seems to take to get a point across to you.

Again, best wishes, and good night.

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