Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ptsczza's message

In actuality, Lecky probably does care about PTSC share price.. but he is probably more concerned with the healthy long term share price than he is with the short term.. Now I certainly wish we were trading above a dollar, and the people I have in this stock sure as h do also, let me tell you... but $20M for the Q is not bad (excluding TEAC even). The high legal expense should have been expected.. basically $7M over the prev Q.. as Virt stated, that's gonna happen when you have the best representing you... I expect a letter from Turley soon, a rather long one explaining whatever he can. I have to cut him some slack right now.. Lecky is calling the shots, and as shewed a buisnessman as he is, I'm sure he wants nothing more than to maximize MMP value.. and if that means NDAs so he can squeeze more cash out of ie Hitachi or Samsung in these next couple months (there by setting the bar up higher & closer to where we all want it) , and so they can focus their energies on the Reexams & '584 Appeal to get them right, and solidify their position of strength when contacting infingers... and we have to suffer the shortterm consequence of that.. well I have to go along.. especially if it means longterm strength. Do I like it .. no, I'd rather be trading @ $1.50.. but I have to believe there is a plan in play... and I believe Lecky has a clue, and desires to maximize MMP value.. and that is good for PTSC and its shareholders, eventually.

Hang in there Matt, and all....


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