
Company has signed a Development Agreement with the Government of the Sultanate of Oman. Omagine Owns 60%; Sultanate Owns 25%; Consolidated Contractors Owns 15%. Project to be developed on 245 acres of beach front land on Gulf of Oman. The estimated cost approximately $2.5 Billion. BNP Paribas To Lead Construction Financing Syndicate.
in response to qwerty1029's message

Wow, wow, wow!!!! I live in NJ, too! This is outrageous! I suspected, but how easy it was for you to see it! The law of large #s says that if the one guy you approached said and did that, then there's likely a very large portion in his camp! Disgusting!

Let me tell you a similar story. My wife and I are involved in a deregulated energy business that uses network marketing. A friend/colleague in this had a team of poor people in the Phila area as associates. This program is excellent for low income people to quickly move themselves out of their dire situations. Anyway, several of these people quit the business after receiving a couple thousand $s in bonuses. My friend/colleague asked them why they quit. The answer? They didn't want to jeopardize their welfare payments! This is a program where they could have made thousands $/month!

And we owe these people in the name of "fairness"? Really? We only have an obligation to those unable to help themselves. People who make poor life choices, consistently poor choices, should not have to be bailed out by everyone else.

QWERTY, I would just ask you to consider one thing, though. Whilst I completely agreee with you, it would be more effective if you toned down the vocabulary. Otherwise, this guy and others just feel that you/I are extremist rich people with no moral compass, no caring for the underdog, etc. Ironic, I know ... especially since you offered this stranger a job, no questions asked! How insensitive of you to ask this guy to contribute to his community and to have self respect. Shame on you!

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