Liberty Star Uranium & Metals

Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp. (LBSR:PINK) is an Arizona-based mineral exploration company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties in the states of Arizona and Alaska. Currently the company controls properties totaling approximately 26,011 acres (about 41 square miles) which are located over what management considers some of North America’s richest mineralized regions for copper, gold, silver, molybdenum (moly), and uranium.
in response to valuepro's message

This waiting for the Phase 1 drilling is like waiting for the "BLUE CORE" Hole in One! With all due respect to Mr James Briscoe as an Geologist because He did all of the planning all of the group order of/for GEO workover which resulted in the "Hole in One" success. Such is the copious skill and plannings by/of CEO J. Briscoe which have led to many discoveries of His career, and they are aplenty. Hay Mt. IMO will be JBs legacy past this "HOLE ONE" @ Hay Mt.. Strictly geo speaking and from observation of JB's past record, that HE DOES FIND ORE, GOOD or GREAT ORE and from that point of consideration, i wait for the NR which puts a drilbit into site#1 and then the updatin g on drilling progress. Of note remember we have been informed that many lookers have made rediculous offers to JB&BOD which have been turned down as JB&BOD do not want to throw away a great position in the AZ geology. I know this is redundant in nature to give as feedback, but i have been in minerals studies for many decades now starting in 70's that 19-70's and i can tell when its a game on or a scam, with JB&BOD its game on. The question that arrises is not do we have the money but do we have a "PLAN". Well if we listened closely the ans: is a YES, and if we stick to the plan we will be in the very best position to advance the HM based upon success of Phase 1). I dont see any Salt Domes in this area of EXP so there should not be any deflecting in the ground or in the OFFICE!.

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Liberty Star Uranium & Metals
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