Intertainment Media

Connecting people with brands, Intertainment Media is a Rich Media Applications leader, focused on delivering solutions enabling clients to power enhanced branding, loyalty initiatives and consumer engagement
in response to TegsPal's message

Tegs, I completely agree with Claude's comments. Once somebody or something gets really big, you have people come out of the woodwork looking to knock it down and make a name for themselves. Trust me, I know.

To this end, you can look at anyone's life and pick out all the negatives to build a convincing argument that a person (or company) is the devil. I can take a hard working father looking out for the best future interests of his family - and convince you he is a money-hungry, career oriented self-absorbed bastard who ignores his children.

In this case, the author shows his hand by trying to pick apart Gene Simmons ... GENE SIMMONS. You think anybody on the planet with his level of success hasn't had a few flame outs? Donald Trump was bankrupt to the tune of $1 Billion dollars in the 90's ... today he is a huge real estate / TV success and a potential US Presidential Candidate.

You can pick apart the history of Simmons and Trump all day long ... but would you turn down doing business with either of them?

The author showed his hand by failing to mention even one positive aspect of anything surrounding Ortsbo/Intertainment. Rule #1 of being a great debater is to concede your opponent has a strength or two.

For example, the obvious fact Ortsbo has 97,668 Facebook Fans as of this moment. That simply can't be faked and tells me its following is very real. To put it into a little perspective, AGORACOM has pretty big traffic ... and we have 493 fans.

The SA author ... 29 followers on Seeking Alpha.

Finally, on the specific matter of 3rd party traffic counters, I can tell you we run Google Analytics for AGORACOM because it is the most trusted software out there ... we learned a long time ago that 3rd party traffic counters are way off. Waaaayyyy off.


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