Gold Bullion Development Corp.

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in response to balducci's message

Hi guys,

This is my first post here, though I've been following your helpful discussion since I first bought GBB in April. I too am a believer. My 782K shares speak for themselves, loudly.

I'm heartened to read that Caldwell has joined the growing list of GBB advocates, as for some time it seemed as though BMR was carrying the torch alone. I expressed this concern to Jon at BMR in mid-July:

I'm a little concerned that, to my knowledge, other analysts and newsletters are not picking up this story. You did mention last March that the Coffins recommended the stock, but they have not followed up in subsequent issues, which is unusual. I have questions regarding the following passage from a March BMR posting:

"The Coffin brothers – respected throughout the resource industry – picked up on this story last month, and we’re now hearing reports of other analysts who are about to endorse Gold Bullion as well."

Have other analysts in fact endorsed GBB? Why are the Coffins silent? If your obvious enthusiasm for this company is justified (and I have no reason to suspect that it is not), why haven't other analysts/newsletters jumped on the bandwagon! It's a concern.

Jon's response is worth sharing:

You raise an interesting point.....I guess my best answer is that we happen to be ahead of the pack on this one, just like back in December when we introduced Gold Bullion at 7 cents and very few people were interested.

Personally, I could care less if other newsletter writers/analysts aren't on this story yet. It doesn't concern me in the least - it doesn't lessen my faith in this story because I know what I see and I have complete confidence in my assessment of GBB.

I know the company has fielded a lot of inquiries from different groups - some very powerful ones, analysts, newsletter writers, etc. - who are waiting, I think, for results from Phase 2 drilling. So by the fall, I expect they will be like pigs at the trough and some of them will be jumping all over this story.

In a way your question puzzles me because what's most important is, what do u think? As an investor, I want to get in before the crowd jumps in....if you wait until all the newsletter writers and analysts jump all over a story, you're suddenly chasing a stock and you're part of the crowd.

In Osisko's case, it took about a year before they got a bunch of analysts on board. In fact, and this is absolutely true, Osisko got only 6 recommendations after 50 site visits. 46 others failed to pick up on the Osisko story after site visits, and Malartic has become the biggest gold deposit in the country. What does that tell you?????

I'm sure you have done all your due diligence on this. The way one makes huge money in the markets is being ahead of the pack and identifying an opportunity early on before everyone else jumps on board. The when you get 20 newsletter writers and analysts endorsing Gold Bullion, sell.

Hope this helps,


Since this brief correspondence, the Coffin brothers elevated GBB from its "watch" to "speculative buy" list a few weeks ago. This recommendation did not appear in the monthly Hard Rock Analyst newsletter but was an e-mail alert to premium subscribers - a significant development for GBB. Following this "outside" confirmation of GBB's potential, as BMR readers know, Jim Slater (details below) added his voice in support of GBB:

August 14, 2010

“Elephants Don’t Gallup, And I Like To Gallup”: Jim Slater

BMR got an excellent response to the first half of our interview with Jim Slater Thursday, and now we’re pleased to present the second half which begins with a further discussion on gold. We also ask Jim about the UK-based Junior Mining Fund he’s involved with and some of the stocks in that portfolio including Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V) and Spanish Mountain Gold (SPA, TSX-V).

At BMR, we strongly believe that one of the best ways to make money is to surround yourself with those who have it and learn from them. It was my great pleasure this week to speak with Mr. Slater who who knows how to make money and has a track record to prove it. He is not only highly respected for his ability to uncover winning investments (often under-researched smaller companies that deliver massive gains) but he has been an extremely successful entrepreneur and author with 81 years of wisdom under his belt. He has written many books including “The Zulu Principle”, a best-seller, and “How To Become A Millionaire” which he co-wrote with Tom Stevenson.

Jim is bullish on gold and quality gold mining shares which he chooses very carefully. We highly suggest you check out his web site:

Click on the link below to listen to Part 2 of BMR’s interview with Jim Slater:

BMR Jim Slater Interview – Part 2

Thus, as Jon suggested it would, this story is slowly but surely attracting the kind of attention that should help propel GBB to the next level.

Thanks again for all the great info here.


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