dynaCERT Inc

The World's First Class 8 Certified H2 On-board Injection System Fuel Efficient and Clean Emissions

As you know, I was up there in February, overnight, on my own dime. I was offered a consultancy position but turned it down. I did however buy 200,000 more shares shortly afterwards. Some asked me why at the time, and my reason was based purely on the product. It must, must be ready for launch soon, the new version that is. I know how development cycles work and they must be close. I personally believe that the new US distributor (BMS) is waiting for this new unit and when (if) it launches they'll be taking the first 20.

I've had quite a few conversations with shareholders about the latest management changes and board appointments along with the "Hultink wants to take it private" tack. John has put millions into this venture and taking it private would leave him with nothing as far as share value goes. The people working there, some essential to the task, are also looking for the payday when the stock is worth something so if he did take it private he'd have to handout some fairly hefty compensation to keep them on board. Without the key personnel (mainly in development) he's fooked IMHO. As for why he's put Book Depot staff on the BOD (including a relative) I firmly believe that he's done that so he's going to hear the truth rather than the apparent fluff that's been bounced across the table in the past. Just my thoughts of course, but maybe I'm wrong and he just wants to punish his son-in-law for some reason! John is a straight-talking no-BS type of guy. If I were to trust anyone in the operation right now it would be him. Plus maybe Grove, more later. There is a dilemma with hiring staff, I hire staff at my own business and sometimes you go with people you know in the hope that they become great employees and sometimes you take a risk and hire 'cold' through a recruitment campaign. Either way, if it doesn't pan-out you have to let them go. Letting a stranger go is a lot easier than letting someone you know go. So the sales staff that were new on board this year (Chad et al) are still there why? Are they selling and we don't know about it? Is the situation still under consideration? Or does Jerry want to keep his buddies on board too? I believe that they are on commission only, but there are still exies being accumulated. And ever door that gets slammed in their faces is a door that is very hard to knock on down the road.

The website fiasco continues. There's no date in the source code that sits behind the current interim web page but I think it went up in March. It's now June, this is ridiculous IMHO. Either Jim Payne's buddies at AKA can't do it (which I very much doubt as they appear competent) OR there is so much infighting about the site within the company that it can't move forward. This was one of the major reason's I turned down the consultancy offer as it had me overseeing the website via AKA. IMHO that would have been like trying to heard cats. And clearly it is.

The management changes that took place last month were unfortunate in some respects, I liked Wayne and believed that he brought a lot to the table. He also did it for free which I think shows something to the others. I'm not saying that everyone should work for free, but when times are tough you have to trim back to the minimum in order to ensure (as best possible) survival. There's a few of people on payroll (at least 2) who take home well over 100k with benefits and that needs to change, again IMHO. I also believe that a CEO of a Canadian company should be able to cross borders freely, Jerry has had some issues with this. He may well have been putting "15 hours a day" (Wayne Hoffman, AGM 2010) but one should not confuse motion with progress. It should be about working smarter, not longer. I've sat and had a beer with Jerry, he's basically a good guy. Verbose, yes. To put it politely. But a good guy. Is he the guy for this job? I don't think so. Remember, his father is one of the chief technical guys on the project and has been for years. Is that why he got the job in the first place? Or second place? Who knows. But I personally believe it's time for that revolving door to spin again and let's have someone in the corner office that knows this industry. Or can at least define the industry so we can make a start. Maybe John has someone lined up. Hopefully not from Book Depot this time eh John ;-). No doubt Mr Payne has a buddy or 2 that could step up to the plate. Or maybe they'll recognise that Grove seems to know his stuff. Who knows, but I think it's time for a change, and the biggest change has to be the culture. Focus on the tasks(s) at hand and leave politics and struggle aside. Make decisions and if they turn out to be the wrong decisions then fix it, but make decisions. Empower your people. Trust your people.

If DYA can accomplish this before they run out of money (i.e. within the next 90 days) I firmly believe that we are onto a winner. So put me into the 20% bag, fingers crossed.

GLTA, let's hope for a successful summer.


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