dynaCERT Inc

The World's First Class 8 Certified H2 On-board Injection System Fuel Efficient and Clean Emissions
Closing up shop?
almost 15 years ago
Re: Closing up shop?
almost 15 years ago
Re: Closing up shop?
almost 15 years ago
in response to hydroAl's message

I don't believe that they are closing up shop...not yet anyway. They just had the exterminator in for the past few months, and they got rid of all the big fat cockroaches that have been living off of the shareholders. The building is clean!

First thing....the conference call...who in the heck wants to listen to another hour of Jerry. In any forum, at any time, in any place? Attendee's in Woodstock just had another taste of it. With his arrongant, flowery, I'm so smart-you're not... attitude. Would you actually believe a single word that came out of his mouth???? No thanks, I'll pass on that one.

Next...Do you think that Tim "left..to persue other business opportunitites" ??? God only knows what the story is there....but I'll bet my last buck (and that's all I have), that he didn't "leave".

Next.....The "insiders" are definely not dumping their shares thus creating the large volumes that we have been seeing lately. This selling is coming from an outsider.....gee, I wonder if it could be someone that used to be an insider. Think about it.....who has enough shares to do that? Who has a huge axe to grind....and can grind it by driving the sp into the dirt? Who can afford to do it because they already got their money out? There's your answer on the volume.

Next....Ya...Wayne Hoffman has been around for a while.....as an advisor. Do you honestly think that a person in an "advisory" position, could get the likes of Fairful, Hultink, and Solensky....with a combined ego the size of Texas....to listen to anything??? Not a chance.

In my lowly opinon.....for the VERY first time.....we actually have a guy in a position of authority...that has a brain in his head. We have a chance....small as it might be at this point....because so much damage has been done by the previous bunch, I don't know if can be fixed. But I have every confidence that Mr. Hoffman will try his darndest to do it. Check out this guy's resume' Successful from every angle. Do you think that John Deere would have a guy in the position that he held that was anything less than a winner? No way. Have any of you ever heard this guy speak? Holy COW it is LIGHT YEARS from the kind of dribble that you hear from Fairful and Solensky. Who would you rather have speaking to a room full of Pepsi execs. Hoffman, .. or what we've had in the past? No contest.

Yup....3 cents sucks. You know who's fault that is. Hoffman has inheirited a nightmare ....But we have the product, and we have "normal" Management........for the Very First Time! I see a glimmer of hope.

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