dynaCERT Inc

The World's First Class 8 Certified H2 On-board Injection System Fuel Efficient and Clean Emissions

Dynamic Announces Update Re First Majestic Pilot Project, Attendance at Richmond Club and CEO Conference Call

Pickering, Ontario CANADA, January 29, 2009 /FSC/ - Dynamic Fuel Systems Inc. (DYA - TSX Venture), is pleased to announce further progress with its previously announced Pilot Project with First Majestic Silver Corp. (FR - TSX) ("First Majestic"), attendance at a Richmond Club presentation.

As initially announced on March 19, 2008, Dynamic has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with First Majestic which sets out the basic terms for the implementation of a Pilot Project, whereby Dynamic will provide Jetstar(tm) units, together with required parts, equipment, materials, installation and support personnel. In turn, First Majestic has assumed all operational costs and will be recording all technical information regarding the performance of the units, following which it is expected that First Majestic will purchase the units employed during the Pilot Project, provided that certain performance thresholds are realized during the Pilot Project. Dynamic had anticipated sending a team to commence the Pilot Project in late September 2008, however that trip was delayed due to certain co-ordination logistics. Dynamic's team of representatives (which will include management, sales and engineering personnel) arrived at First Majestic's La Encantada Silver Mine on January 19, 2009, where Jetstar(tm) units have now been installed on various types of diesel power generators. Dynamic will also conduct an examination and assessment of other underground pieces of equipment employed in First Majestic's La Encantada Silver Mine that might be candidates for similar retrofits and expansion of the Jetstar(tm) system's applications, as well as other potential business opportunities within Mexico and the mining industry generally. It is expected that Dynamic's team will be in Mexico until approximately February 4th, 2009.

Dynamic also announces that it provided a presentation at the Richmond Club in Toronto on January 14, 2009, where its audience was comprised of current and prospective shareholders, as well as representatives of a number of investment firms, venture capitalist groups and institutional organizations. Feedback on the presentation was extremely positive and Dynamic looks forward to further communication with the attendees and hopes to further capitalize on the opportunities deriving from this unique experience. Dynamic considers this a further step towards increasing market awareness and acceptance of its products and services.

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