Brigadier Gold Limited's Profile

<p class="MsoNormal">2,000 metre drill program completed: 10 holes intersected gold mineralization, grading up to as much as 3.44 g/t AU in 2,000 </p>

Focused on Exploring the Prolific Kirkland Lake-Larder Lake, Matachewan and Porcupine Gold Mining Camps, Located in Northern Ontario.


Hunter Gold Mine
-Located in the prolific Porcupine Gold Camp (over 60 million ounces of gold produced)
-Adjacent to the prolific Dome Mine (15 million ounces of gold produced)
-Previous gold assays reported by ValGold ranging up to 35.39 g/t over 0.5 metres and 35.95 g/t over 0.78 metres. Several core intercepts returned anomalous gold assays ranging from 1.01 g/t to 2.61 g/t, with an average grade of 1.73 g/t gold.

Larder Lake Project
-Consists of three significant gold zones: the Albert Kokotow Gold Zone, the M-Island Gold Zone and the McCrea Gold Zone.
-Larder Lake/Kirkland Lake area is a prolific gold producing area in which over 30 million ounces of gold has been produced from 25 mines.

Albert Kokotow Gold Zone

Highlights of historical exploration include:
-Grab samples of up to 41.1 g/t
-Channel samples including 1.7 metres averaging 9.8 g/t
-Pit blast grading 0.5 kg sample grading 34.0 g/t
-Drilling returning grades up to 3.4 g/t over 5.0 metres, incl. 6.17 g/t over 2.0 metres.


Exploration of the M-Island Gold Zone began in the 1930s by Knutson Mining Corporation Limited and continued into the 1980s. Work by Brigadier began in 2005. In 2005, Brigadier Gold recovered visible gold from an ambitious trenching program, indicating the potential for an economic gold deposit. Highlights of past work include:

Trenching up to 4.16 g/t over 3.7 metres, including 8.98 g/t over 1.2 metres -Historic drilling: 6.17 g/t over 2.9 metres, including 18.9 g/t over 0.8 metres.

McCrea Gold ZoneThe McCrea Gold Zone was evaluated by Gold Fields Canadian Mining Ltd. in 1990. A total of 17 pits were blasted, and grab samples assayed up to 10.63 g/t gold. In addition, a channel sample returned an assay of 8.6 g/t gold over 0.6 metres.

Matachewan Gold Project

Located 38 kilometers southwest of Kirkland Lake, Ont, and spanning 780 hectares.

Brigadier Gold Limited recently announced its exploration program for 2008.
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Last changed at 02-Sep-2011 11:25PM by AGORACOM-GT

Management & Directors

  • Herb Kokotow C.A.

    President & CEO

    Herb Kokotow is President &amp; CEO of Brigadier Gold Limited. Mr. Kokotow was born and raised in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. He was admitted to membership in the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario in 1967. Mr. Kokotow has extensive experience in the industry and the practice of public accounting. For over 20 years, he has operated a Chartered Accounting firm under his name in Thornhill, Ontario. He has been President and a Director of Brigadier Gold Limited since its incorporation in February of 1996.

  • Kenneth Wolfson LL.B.

    Treasurer & CFO

    Ken Wolfson is Treasurer &amp; CFO of Brigadier Gold Limited. Mr. Wolfson was called to the bar in 1975 and practices corporate law under his own name in Toronto, Ontario. Mr. Wolfson has been a Director of Brigadier Gold Limited since its incorporation in February of 1996.

  • Robert Stikeman LL.B.


    Mr. Stikeman has been Corporate Secretary since 1997. He has been a partner for the past 16 years in Stikeman, Graham, Keeley &amp; Spiegel LLP, a law firm he was instrumental in establishing.

Broker Fact Sheet

  • BRG Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Brigadier Gold Limited
41,295,268 as of Feb 24, 2009
Metals & Minerals
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