Arctic Star Diamond Corp.'s Profile

Credit Lake. Siku, Kyle Lake, Attawapiskat, ROF Discovery through experience, applying science and innovation - Diamonds & Nickel
Arctic Star Diamond Corp. (TSX: ADD) is a dynamic Canadian diamond exploration company. We are aggressively developing several projects Northern Canada and Ontario. Our primary focus is our Credit Lake property, located in the Northwest Territories ("NT").

:Show image 'Credit Lake: Pyrope in till - South Coppermine Train' in New Window:
Credit Lake: Pyrope in till - South Coppermine Train
118 KB, approx. 23 seconds at 56.6Kbps

Credit Lake, the company's flagship property, is operated solely by Arctic Star. The Company took over operations from Kennecott Canada Exploration Inc. in June 2004.

The ground is held 100% by Arctic Star, but is subject to a 51 % back-in right by Kennecott. The back-in is triggered when Arctic takes more than 200 carats from a kimberlite discovery in the area of interest. To back in, Kennecott must spend 2.5 times the Arctic expenditure on the property to date to earn-in. Once earned-in Kennecott may increase their position to 60% by taking the discovery to a positive feasibility.

The Credit Lake property is adjacent to the southwest border of the Ekati property held by BHP/Billiton, and is 32krn from the Ekati diamond mine in the Northwest Territories.

Extensive till sampling on the property (3500 to date) has revealed at least five separate diamond indicator mineral trains. Probe analyses of the indicator grains are considered positive and strongly indicate they are associated with diamond mineralization

In Summer 2006, Arctic took 826 till samples in order to hone in on the source. The samples spacing is now less than 250m in the crucial areas.

Also in 2006, the Company shot four kilometers of seismic refraction images in the depressions near the head of the indicator trains. These seismic surveys imaged some areas with depressions that had a high velocity contrast to the surrounding granite. The seismic work also successfully imaged deep overburden. In the past we may have drilled these zones based on the gravity anomaly caused by the deep till. The seismic proved to be a good discriminator here and many of these areas can now be rejected as drill targets.

In September 2006, 22 power auger holes were completed in some of the seismic depressions. Some of the holes proved negative, bringing up till barren of indicators. But other drill holes had super-abundant indicator minerals, which, after morphological study and probe analyses, are thought to be above, or extremely close to, source.

In one area dubbed "Phil's Lake", located directly at the head of the most prominent indicator train, the auger intersected an unusual black mud beneath the till. The black mud has abundant indicator minerals and is reminiscent of the black weathered material that characteristically forms on top of many of the kimberlites mined at Ekati and Diavik. It is possible that we have augered into the weathered top of a kimberlite at Phil's Lake. The only way to be certain is to diamond drill beneath this occurrence to see if there is unweathered kimberlite. This will be the prime target of our Spring 2007 drill program.

Given that we are in sight of Canada's greatest diamond mines, with geochemical proof of nearby yet-to-be-discovered diamond mineralization, Arctic is confident that a source with encouraging results will be found.

Arctic was recently approached by Diamonds North Resources Inc. to earn an option on the Siku property in the Northwest Territories.
Under the terms of the agreement, Arctic Star can earn a 50% interest in the property by:

  1. Funding bonds on the claims.
  2. Issuing Diamonds North 1.5 million shares of Arctic Star.
  3. LSpending 2.5 million dollars on exploration over three years with the first year's expenditures at $700,000.
  4. Issuing an additional 100,000 shares for each of the first five kimberlites discovered on the property.

As of September 30, 2006, Arctic Star had paid $408,215 in bonds on the claims, and in October 2006, the Company paid an additional $355,525. In February 2007, Arctic Star reimbursed $238,886 for bonds originally posted by Diamonds North. All bonds are refundable to Arctic Star upon filing of sufficient assessment work on the claims. Diamonds North will be the operator of the Siku property.

:Show image 'Siku - Total Magnetic Field' in New Window:
Siku - Total Magnetic Field
276 KB, approx. 52 seconds at 56.6Kbps

The property consists of approximately 455,000 acres of claims surrounding three sides (excluding the south side) of the Darby project, currently being explored by Teck Cominco Limited and Indicator Minerals Inc. Indicator and Teck Cominco recently reported the discovery of five kimberlite bodies on the Darby project, with one estimated to be as large as 11 hectares in size. Caustic fusion results returned from these yield diamondiferous kimberlite. Till samples collected from the Siku property by Diamonds North yielded indicator minerals suggesting that the Darby kimberlite field may extend onto the property. An airborne magnetic survey over the claims has been initiated for drill target delineation.

As kimberlites occur in clusters, or families, often averaging over 30 members, the chance of finding kimberlites on the Siku property is considered high.

The now historic Lac de Gras and later Slave Craton diamond rushes of the 1990s lay testament to this. But, while the first kimberlites at Lac de Gras were not economic, and it was three years before mines where found, Arctic Star is hopeful that the field contains economic kimberlites and that they occur on our optioned ground.

In May 2005 Arctic Star staked approximately 27,000 acres of ground just south of New Biggining Lake, 30krn southwest of Arctic's flagship property, Credit Lake. The New Bigg project was a result of using historic indicator mineral sample databases from both Kennecott and the government, to recognize new opportunities. In 2004 Arctic took a grid of 3km-spaced till samples. The results showed that there was a terminating indicator mineral train, containing pyrope, chrome diopside, and ilmenite. This area was subsequently staked.

:Show image 'New Bigg' in New Window:
New Bigg
64 KB, approx. 13 seconds at 56.6Kbps

During the summer of 2005, Arctic Star's exploration team collected 149 in fill samples from the area. The results show a zone of indicator minerals that terminate in the centre of the property. During that summer, the company flew a 150m line spaced helicopter-borne magnetometer survey. The data showed a number of kimberlite targets. These will be the subject of follow¬-up work in Spring 2007.

The Kyle Lake Project is a joint venture between Arctic Star and Metallex, with Kelex enjoying a 10% free carried interest. Arctic has an 8.5% participating interest.

The joint venture flew an extensive airborne magnetic survey in the general area of the Kyle Lake kimberlite field. Previous explorers had discovered this kimberlite field in the early to mid-1990s. The kimberlites are Proterozoic in age and lie beneath till and limestone cover that renders till sampling non-effective. Magnetics have been the main discovery tool to date. The Metallex/Arctic joint venture has discovered two kimberlites to date, the second containing a significant diamond count. A bulk sampling program is underway and partial results show enough diamonds to remain positive about the outcome.


Arctic has a 20% working interest in this property, joint ventured with Metalex Ventures Ltd. Kel-ex is subject to a 10% carried interest. Metalex is the operator of these claims, along with the adjacent Dumont claims where Arctic holds an 18% interest. The Attawapiskat property is also subject to a 2.5% net smelter royalty under certain circumstances.

These properties are adjacent to the east side of a lease held by De Beers. The De Beers leases contain a cluster of kimberlites, which include the diamondiferous Victor Pipe. De Beers plan to mine the Victor pipe and are currently seeking all the required permits and permission. Arctic and its joint venture partners have deployed relatively new auger technology to sample the basal tills in the area. The results have generated several unique indicator mineral anomalies, with no known sources of these indicator minerals up-ice.

The joint venture also flew these properties with helicopter-borne magnetics and EM, and has conducted ground surveys following up the anomalies generated from this work. The joint venture plans to continue exploration work to locate the source of indicator minerals. The chemistry of the indicator minerals is positive, so it is suspected that the source of the indicator anomalies will be diamond bearing.


:Show image 'Lapointe1 Target - Airborne Magnetics-Horizontal Gradient' in New Window:
Lapointe1 Target - Airborne Magnetics-Horizontal Gradient
95 KB, approx. 19 seconds at 56.6Kbps
:Show image 'Lapointe 1 Target - AeroTEMcoincident EM-Maganomaly immediately up-ice from prolific KIMsin till samples' in New Window:
Lapointe 1 Target - AeroTEMcoincident EM-Maganomaly immediately up-ice from prolific KIMsin till samples
184 KB, approx. 35 seconds at 56.6Kbps

Last changed at 07-Feb-2009 05:58PM by Highgrader

Management & Directors

  • Managemenrt

    & Directors

    Patrick Power
    President, Chief Executive Officer and Director

    Patrick Power is a seasoned venture capitalist and financier with over 15 years of experience as a stock market professional and as director of public companies. He is President and CEO of Arctic Star Diamond Corp. Additionally, Mr. Power has served as a director of other mineral exploration companies. Arctic Star benefits from Mr. Power's wealth of experience as a shrewd dealmaker, an adept financier and as a tireless, results-driven leader of dynamic public companies. The company enjoys Mr. Power's large network of contacts within the industry, his enthusiasm and his efforts as a member of the audit and remuneration panels.

    Buddy Doyle
    Executive Vice President and Director

    Buddy Doyle has 25 years experience in mineral exploration. He worked for Rio Tinto PLC for over 23 years, most recently he was Exploration Manager/Vice President of Kennecott Canada Exploration Inc. (owned by Rio Tinto), in charge of diamond exploration in North America. He was a key member of the Kennecott Exploration Australia team that discovered the multi-million ounce Minifie gold deposits at Lihir in 1987-1988 and led the team which discovered the Diavik diamond deposits in 1994-1995. Few geologists have seen 2 projects from discovery through to decision to mine. Mr. Doyle is recognized by his peers in the exploration industry as an authority on diamond exploration and kimberlite geology, and has authored/co-authored numerous papers on these subjects. He recently was awarded the 2007 Hugo Dummitt Award for excellence in Diamond exploration. Since leaving Rio Tinto Mr. Doyle remains active in the diamond sector through consultancy and non-executive directorships. Mr. Doyle brings to the company a disciplined scientific approach to mineral exploration and managerial skills that have a proven track record. He holds a BSc in Applied Geology from the Queensland University of Technology.

    Thomas Yingling

    Thomas Yingling is a successful seasoned venture capitalist who benefits from over 13 years experience running resource based public companies. Mr. Yingling has served for over a decade as President of Brahma Communications Corp., an investment consulting firm that specializes in corporate finance, investor relations and strategic corporate planning for publicly traded companies.

    Christopher Campbell

    Christopher Campbell is a director and integral part of our management team who brings extensive diamond exploration experience to the board. Mr. Campbell has been an independent geophysicist with his own consulting firm, Intrepid Geophysics Ltd. since 1997. Previous to forming his own firm, Mr. Campbell was a geophysicist with the Department of Geological Survey of Botswana.

    John Buckle

    John Buckle is a key component of our board of directors and contributes significantly to our board through his vast experience in diamond exploration. Mr. Buckle has served with us in this capacity since February 22, 2001. Mr. Buckle has been the principal of Geological Solutions, a geological consulting firm, since October 1998. From August 1995 to October 1998, Mr. Buckle was Vice President Business Development of Quantec Geoscience, a geological consulting firm. Mr. Buckle also serves as a director of Odyssey Resources Ltd., a publicly listed natural resource exploration company, and as a director of Oasis Diamond Exploration. Mr. Buckle has a B.Sc. from York University and a Geological Technicians Certificate from Sault College.

    Binny Jassal
    Chief Financial Officer
    Binny Jassal has been working with Arctic Star since early 2006 as the Corporate Controller, until being named Chief Financial Officer in January 2007. Mr. Jassal has been an important member of the team working on the financial and corporate side of the operations. Prior to joining Arctic Star Diamond Corp. Mr Jassal, has over 14 years experience with accounting and reporting for several publically trading companies. He holds a B Comm from Meerut University in India, accounting certificate from Ryerson University in Toronto, and is currently enrolled in the pace level CGA program.

    Consulting Team

    Kevin R. Kivi, P. Geol.

    Kevin Kivi is chief consultant geologist and QP for Arctic Star Diamond Corp. Mr. Kivi graduated with BSc. Geology from Lakehead University, and has 25 years experience in diamond, base metals and precious metal exploration. He worked with Buddy Doyle at Kennecott Canada Exploration Inc for 11 years and brings a wealth of experience to the team. Mr. Kivi worked on many exciting diamond exploration programs, including initial exploration by Kennecott at Lac De Gras in 1994, and recently running exploration programs for Diavik Diamond Mines Inc in 2004 and 2005. Kevin is President of KIVI Geoscience Inc, a diamond exploration consulting company, and is a director of Austin Developments Corp. (AUL: TSX-V), an oil and gas company.

    Monika Sumara

    Monika Sumara is a consulting geophysicist who has been working with Arctic Star Diamond Corp. since 2004. In addition to her work with Arctic Star, Ms. Sumara has been involved with many interesting projects; including diamond projects with a number of other diamond exploration companies, and geophysical aeromagnetic surveys with Universal Wing Geophysics. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Geophysics from the University of Calgary.

    Vanessa Bogaert

    With a dozen years' experience in the mining industry, Vanessa Bogaert has been involved in many diverse yet complimentary areas, with a particular emphasis on administration and logistics. Vanessa first joined Kennecott Canada Exploration 1996 and subsequently joined the Arctic Star team in 2004. She is the project manager for Arctic Star Diamond Corp.'s flagship property at Credit Lake in the NWT.

Broker Fact Sheet

  • ADD Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
fully diluted 161,206,862
Metals & Minerals
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