Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

Fluffy stole this from a post on SI from Antlizzie. Antlizzie has no idea how accuracte she/he is. Antlizzie you have hit the proverbial nail on the head! Cheers, fluffy the Cat.

"Zenyatta got no support or recognition from anyone within the graphite industry, took a great deal of abuse from those who had a vested interest with flake graphite companies, and decided to stay as silent about the company's activity as they could. The result is a few who are smart and capable know what Zenyatta is all about. Some have shared what they could, but have gone "silent" because this is bigger than most realize. The majority of investors will be happy to take $10 and run with the money. You know they have no clue. To them, anyone who ventures a realistic estimate of Zenyatta's value is "off his rocker". So the smart answer is to say nothing, but this group has stayed in touch with head office and each other. The result is that they are confident of what Zenyatta will become. I am not one of this group, but if you read the posts you cannot miss the reality of this group. Whether anyone realizes it or not, everyone reading these Zenyatta boards has benefited from what they have written. Were it not for the trouble makers and the downright stupid, I'm sure they would have shared a lot more.

Take a good look at the people that AE has brought together over the last few years. Name me another junior mining company who has a staff that even comes close. He##, name me a senior mining company who does! Look at any of them and all of them have a share price that is a pale shadow of better days. Almost all are mismanaged. None have a record that even comes close to our's at Zenyatta. I will be very saddened if our people sell Zenyatta. For the right price, maybe, but I will not believe it until I see the offer. If AE and this BOD ever let's this go for what some of you people are expecting, I'll lose all respect for them. Knowing what they know, how could they be that stupid?"

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