Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

in response to hoov's message

So when proven wrong, go on the personal attack. Again, there is a reason no one wants to debate with you and it is not because you are brilliant. I remember Donny schooling you on SH for overburden removal and water processing costs. You even thanked him for the education if I remember correctly.

Now, let's go back to Focus for a second. Here are a couple of paragraphs from the NR you posted:

All Lac Knife flake graphite materials tested were purified, spheronized and sized for application in the anodes (negative electrodes) of Lithium-Ion batteries. The anodes for all samples tested consisted of 90% graphite, 7% PVDF binder and 3% carbon black and a copper coil current collector with a thickness of 20 microns.


What is important here is that, although the surface coating applied to the SPG is critical to the safety of Lithium-Ion batteries, it is the high quality of the Lac Knife graphite that provides the long term cycling stability to the Lithium-Ion battery. The data also show that the surface coating improves the reversible capacity of the Lac Knife SPG in the cell.

So now we have an idea of what their speical sauce was for the coating and they also used a binder which ZEN never mentionned. Maybe ZEN used a binder, maybe they did not. Focus also states here that the coating improves the reversible capacity loss as I suspected. So without knowing what the coatings were on each, we again have apples and oranges.

I also failed to see any prices put forward by Focus for their SPG. If you have that, I would be very curious to see how they compare to ZEN on cost. My hunch is that is not out there yet and there might be a reason for that. Their fine graphite came in at 75 microns so everything else was bigger and to obtain their great performance (it is a great performance) they milled their product to a D50 of 23-29 microns. To obtain that they must of jet milled their product heavily and have a serious loss of feed.


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