Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

in response to the deputy's message

Sorry I couldnt get back to the BB...we had a power failure and I was not able to respond.

I went over and read all the posts... and what I dont get is why a few investors here choose to pick a fight with Smoky83? Who cares whether or not he is invested in ZEN or not! Instead of sticking him with queries of why he spends time writing about ZEN, who cares? If you want to challenge somebody, do it with regards to the subject of his point...and deal with facts. I would be more interested in reading challenges to what he has to say about the stock and things that pertain to the subject rather than wondering why he chooses to write about it. I read his posts and I dont see anything where he is trying to save anyone, encourage or discourage anybody form buying this stock. He writes what he thinks and discusses it on this board. Maybe its me, I dont know, but I dont see any problems with what he says. I also agree with Steakhouse's post on PEA. He speaks to the frustration from what I believe most of us, if not all, feel about this the current price on this ZEN stock. It sucks! And so? Speak your mind. I think everybody here has great points to make and I really appreciate all the posts here from anyone who wants to say what they want to say. Its a forum.

One last comment.. I have learned quite a bit from reading posts from different posters here... bits of information from different sources. Its awesome. Its how we learn. We should be sticking it to the BOD, and not to each other... because after all, its them that have not been very helpful to provide us with any worthwhile information. Steakhouse makes that very point in his PEA post.

Cheers all...


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