Zenyatta Ventures Ltd


This stock remains tantalizing, frustrating, agonizing and a tease.

It is like driving on a 110 kmph highway with an expensive sports car that has a governor restricting it to 80 kmph.

It is like being married to a super model who walks around the house nude but abstains from sex.

It is like a dimmer switch where the light is never fully on or fully off and someone keeps moving it up and down driving you crazy in the process.

It is bi-polar. We have a unique one of a kind product/deposit but we can’t tell you too much about it. We have the best minds in the business working for us but we refuse to promote and only release selective cryptic information.

It is 2 steps forward and 2 steps back. We started to see some really good news flow, news that would indicate strong support for at least the $8500 selling price. We have lots of resources but only planned to mine half.

It answers 2 questions but creates 2 more. It is green and great and everyone loves it but we are limited in production by some unknown factor.We worked so hard on the recovery rates that we dropped them since the 43-101.

It is a hamster on a wheel for retail investors. The longer we run on the wheel the harder it becomes.

3 months of stock price building down the drain

Zen says they are a tuxedo but they treat retail investors as if they are a pair of brown shoes

Given the long PEA delay I am very unimpressed by the recovery rate, the mining tonnage and the 50% of the deposit planned for mining.

The cost component of $2K is fantastic but obviously more than offset by the lower recovery, lower tonnage and lower selling price. The selling price I can live with as the margin spread is what is more important and $5500 US is damn good. I am no mining expert but with that margin I am hard pressed to see how it would not be still very profitable to plan the rest of the deposit to be mined. Or at least mention that is the plan? It leaves readers to assume the rest of the deposit is currently not economic. And for us who are more in the know than most, we can only scratch our heads at this.

Was the annual mining rate chosen to maximize the capital or to somehow state that this is what the market will bear? But how can that be when you supposedly have THE green, cost effective and awesome natural product in a safe country?

AE has stated that the institutions are waiting for the PEA to jump in. That being the case, why go ultra conservative (or is it ultra-realistic)? Why not make this the defining document where we can finally step outside and show ourselves. After this release, how can we possibly attract any such attention? This was to be the next big step and the only step really taken was on the cost per ton front. Everything else is a step back.

If there is another motive for staying so conservative it sure would be nice to be let in on the little secret. This ‘trust us’ game is losing legs fast. At some point, likely this point, even the most bullish followers are extremely frustrated and disappointed. If this PEA had been close to expectations it would be easy to say management has chosen the right path. But with this document it is now easy to doubt that path.

Artic posted today ‘It is time for AE/ZEN’ to step up their game. This is a perfect statement. We have all been told the ‘fireworks’ start after the PEA. “All the NDA’s are waiting for the PEA”, “Handcuffs are off after PEA is released”, “Once the cost is nailed down it triggers events” , “NDA”S need to see it is long life economic before doing any off take”, etc. All statements we have been told or similar to these. Well now it is out. So what is the plan to FINALLY build sustained share price value? Mining Companies will be privy to all the data and can make their own decisions about recovery, rate of mining and type of mining. They will know if the PEA is real or what level of conservative it is. NDA’s can now be assured their product can be profitably mined to ensure long term commitments. NDA’s can also now see the cost to produce their own product so they can look at buying in if they so desire.

The PEA to me was underwhelming given the stature it was supposed to bring to the public. I cannot figure out why they went this route. Regardless, while we try and get some answers it is, as Artic says “time”. Enough of the delays, enough of the cone of silence, enough of the ‘everything is a secret’. I am tired of being teased.I am still in for the finale but that could only be for my own punsihment.

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