Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

Hi Mr William -- I have kept mostly quiet lurking in this forum but given your rhetorical question and the proceedings that have transpired since Monday, I feel an urge to give my own editorial for what it is worth.

I doubt Mr Eveleigh is trying to shake out the retail market as an intentional or conscious exercise.

Up to this point, he has already done a great job of that by virtue of ZEN's cone of silence approach and seemingly non-existent marketing strategy.

Ms Lombardo in IR also did her part by not responding to my questions (anyone else?) about what management's plan is for 2015 and/or what they will do to increase shareholder value or market this resource.

Historically, the evidence has mostly shown that Mr Eveleigh is mostly apathetic to and mostly unconcerned with retail shareholders...and with multiple timeline delays...and with larger market sentiment towards ZEN.

However, at least as far as the market sentiment component goes, that passive approach will need to change big-time moving forward if Mr Eveleigh hopes to get some value out of this unique Albany resource given current market conditions imho.

In the end (and it now looks more like those of us still invested will have to wait that long), he will either look like a brilliant tactical genius or a galactic-level failure on a rare graphite resource that from outward appearances looks like it should be the Venture Exchange's version of a slam-dunk.

I mentioned some time ago in this forum that given my tempered expectations in these current market conditions, I would be ecstatic to receive a $5.00/share buy-out offer for my shares.

Also noticed that Roth Capital set an initial 12-month price target of $6.00/share for now.

If only we and Mr Eveleigh will all be so lucky even at those price-points.

The PEA tech report, pre-feasibility stage and/or the arrival of a prospective big-game graphite hunter now can't come soon enough...!


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