Zenyatta Ventures Ltd


It's nice to see this information regarding marketing and development be disseminated to the masses. So far the strategy has been to test the initial suitability for a specific market then plan to build a bigger sample product:

LIB = Test characteristics (lab) » Test with coin cell for screening » Full cell (advanced testing)

Fuel Cell = Test characteristics (global leader) » Build and test fuel cell components (advance testing)

MET = same pattern?

Remaining = same pattern?

*Notice that both NRs spoke to the minimal (if any) processing steps by end-users (i.e milling) would be required with the graphite. Also, both NRs reiterate the graphite does not require traditional and environmentally damaging processes.

The process is very methodical, but more importantly, ZEN has their foot in the door of end-users. They are slowly becoming a partner with end-users. This has to be attactive to a potential suitor.

Why not focus on the highest priced market segment? IMO, it looks like ZEN is showing to a potential suitor that the product is not a "one trick pony" and can feed into any market segment. Any of those market segments go into a slow down, ZEN can ramp up and feed it's suitable product into any of the segments.

None of this negates the fact that ZEN has to continually optimize it's flow sheet (again, ZEN does warn readers of the NR not to get too far ahead). Where they are at with this, I am not sure, but they are being supported by the Ontario government to try and solve and optimize the processing challenge.

It's nice to see ZEN provide information to it's shareholder base. The strategy is taking shape, and will hopefully pay off for all long-term holders.

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