Zenith Epigenetics

Thinking about RVX and Zenith this weekend, I realized that I'm getting a bit excited again about both companies. Both companies seem to me moving forward at a rapid pace. Zenith (which seemed totally stuck in the mud about a year ago under the leadership of the passthru CEO), has made a lot of progress. I'm excited that we have an important new trial starting very soon with an improved drug. It's great that this new formula is also an oral pill.

To me, that new trial is like a lottery ticket. So are any future trials. Each one is like getting a chance at a big payoff. I think that the lottery game will extend for years into the future. It's very exciting since the company has over 1,000 formulas to choose amongst.

Resverlogix also seems renewed. We have our all-important trial underway. We have a company that now owns rights to over 1,000 formulas. We have the potential of some other new trials beginning soon for orphan indications. We have a very significant new partner. It is all very exciting.

I personally think there will be more regional deals for both companies. If I am correct, this will put both companies on a very, very sound long-term financial foundation.

I think we are finally in an excellent position for both companies - with a very bright future possible for each. I think RVX is significantly undervalued - but this will change over the course of the year.

And if Zenith pulls of a listing (together with showing strong results in the new trial), then Zenith will become a very significant part of my (and our) portfolios. That will be amazing.

Looking forward to new RVX presentation from the conference in SF. And also to seeing the latest Zenith slides from the AGM and the SF conference.

All good stuff IMHO.

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