Wildcat Exploration Ltd

Welcome To The Wildcat Exploration Ltd HUB On AGORACOM Wildcat Exploration Limited is a publicly traded company actively exploring in Canada for precious and base metals.

Following the formal business portion, a Powerpoint presentation of the Company was done, with commentary by John Knowles and Tom Lewis. As noted previously, the Powerpoint is now on the Company website and can be viewed online. I will not repeat all the information which is already presented in the Powerpoint, but will record some comments that were made during the presentation.

Slide 4 - CEO John Knowles commented that the markets are not reflecting what he sees as the potential of Wildcat in the share price. Admittedly, they have not yet made a significant discovery in the recent past, but the pieces are in place for a positive future.

Slide 5 - Wildcat has had a good collection of properties for some time, but over the last year has also taken major steps to assembling a great team of competent people - this aspect is also very critical to success. The addition of the two newest Directors has added to the technical expertise of the company, and Tom Lewis' successes with previous companies (e.g. Placer Dome) stands as testimony to his valuable contribution. The settlement of the litigation with the former CEO was a major accomplishment made in the past year (without settlement cost). The improvement of terms of the Poundmaker Option Deal helped to bring quality control to that area; Wildcat now can have their own geologist on-site if desired, and it would be at Strikepoint's expense. This brings accountability and has improved the way the work is being done. Wildcat has already received $450,000 in cash and shares, and another $450,000 should yet follow during the upcoming years. [The assay results of result drilling on Poundmaker is expected any day. Upon review of those results, some decisions will be made and the results will be released by WEL.

Slide 6 - There are a total of 6 employees now at Wildcat, four named on the slide. There are also others involved in a contractual arrangement. John referred to the group of Wildcat personnel as having "a disproportionate amount of expertise for the size of Company."

Slide 7 - The goal of the company is to build value for our shareholders. The Company plans to keep a balanced portfolio of properties/projects, including both base and precious metals. With the growth in Company personnel, now more able to simultaneously work on more than one project at a time.

Slide 8 - Wildcat is also open to new opportunities and through networking is exploring some possibilities (more mentioned on this a bit later). The Company also is focusing on operational controls, and this was reflected in the renegotiation of the Poundmaker option with Strikepoint.

Tom Lewis then led the meeting through the next slides.

Slide 9 - The Rice Lake Greenstone Belt is an emerging belt. It is not developed to the extent of other similar locations, like Val D'Or and Red Lake. Tom is now taking a "level base" approach to the Rice lake area - going after whichever area(s) show the greatest promise, without being necessarily stuck on one priority. [The exploration schedule on Slide 10 shows that a number of Rice Lake properties are being targeted this year.]

Slide 10 - There are teams slated to go Reed Lake very shortly to do further exploration work there. Looking at slide 10, you will notice that drilling is scheduled there for winter - that is because the property is difficult to access in summer, but crews can traverse swamps and lakes in the winter, making that a much more efficient and economical approach.

Slide 11 - The maps showing the fault lines in the Rice lake area shows a "bulge" just south of Jeep. This bulge indicates that this was the heart of the igneous thrust that then resulted in deposits of gold being left in the cracks and openings in the vicinity of the fault lines.

Slide 12 - The magnetic map of Jeep shows areas of interest. The 1930's era prospectors did a very good job of finding locations with gold. That might be compared with picking "low-hanging fruit". Now we are looking "undercover", utilizing tools like Lidar (which shows land structure and past workings - see the grey relief in slide 13) as well as magnetic surveys - we are looking for fault-lines which usually are conduits where gold flowed and was left behind.

Slide 13 - shows recent drilling locations and past workings (old Jeep mine).

Slide 14 - At Reed Lake, we are especially interested in the dark purple area (where the number 4 is) - there seems to be an extension here of the mineralization found by Rockcliff to the north and by Cream to the west - that flows across the corner of the Wildcat property. [Tom also mentioned to me separately that HBM was kind enough to share results of work that they have done previously around the Reed Lake area - something of great value to Wildcat, and which could potentially have saved WEL many thousands of dollars had they needed to do the work themselves].

Slide 15 - The are of interest at Foster River is shown in red - these are thickened areas. Consideration is being given as to whether some areas here might be conducive to open pit mining, since there are some near-surface mineralized locations. Even though the grade may be lower in a particular location, if the deposit is wider and potentially easier to access, it may have more economic viability.


John Knowles than added some more comments following Tom Lewis' presentation.

Wildcat is looking at how it can use "leverage" to build further shareholder value. It is looking at new opportunities, as mentioned earlier. They are finding many opportunities, and they are not far from "home base". While other companies are establishing new working locations internationally or far from home, all of the possibilities being considered are within a days drive of Winnipeg -- whether in Saskatchewan, Manitoba or Ontario. Wildcat is expecting to expand its property portfolio, and there are some discussions taking place with respect to that in the Rice Lake belt.

Wildcat is an explorer, and does not plan to develop an actual mine - that would something a different company would undertake. But, Wildcat would like to have a portfolio of properties at various levels of exploration/development, moving each property along from a beginning to the point where it will have demonstrated value to be considered as a joint-venture target, or a property might be bought by a producer, etc. The aim is to grow value, and Wildcat plans to stay involved in both the base metal and precious metal areas.

This brought the meeting to a conclusion at approximately 11 o'clock.

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