Wildcat Exploration Ltd

Welcome To The Wildcat Exploration Ltd HUB On AGORACOM Wildcat Exploration Limited is a publicly traded company actively exploring in Canada for precious and base metals.

The Wildcat Annual General Meeting was held today at the Greenwood Inn, at 10:00 am. CEO John Knowles led the meeting, which started off with the formal business portion.

John Knowles reported that the number of votes represented by proxies was 33,387,989, representing 37% of the Outstanding Shares (OS). The proxy votes cast were 79% in favour of the Directors, 94% in favour of appointing the Auditors, and 74% in favour of the Stock Option Plan, all as laid out in the Notice of AGM that was sent out to shareholders. The number of votes represented by proxy was sufficient to pass all the resolutions being considered at the AGM, even before the meeting was actually held [taking into account that many shareholders do not vote].

There wasa representative present from Equity Transfer & Trust, and he acted as Scrutineer.

John Knowles advised that 45% of the OS was represented at the meeting either in person or by proxy, so there was a quorum present. There were 9 security holders plus 2 proxyholders present at the meeting.

The Auditor's Report and Financial Statments from Dec 31, 2009 were approved.

The number of Directors was set at six and the slate presented in the Notice of AGM was approved. It was noted that Rob Dzisiak had not let his name stand for re-election due to his heavy involvement this year with another venture; Ed Yarrow was elected in his place. Ed has extensive experience in the industry having served as a VP with Hudson Bay Mining as well as with other companies.

BDO was confirmed as the Auditor for the coming year.

The Stock Option Plan was approved as presented in the Notice of AGM. John Knowles explained that the change to the 10-year maximum term of options granted was only done to be in step with the rules of the TSX; there was no plan to actually issue options for 10 years, nor would the terms of any previously issued options be changed. The misunderstandings on this topic on discussion boards was totally not anticipated and the misunderstanding created some concern to Wildcat management. The change was made as a result of the Company lawyer noting that their wording was not up-to-date and he therfore suggested the change be made. While there are no plans to issue options for periods of more than 5 years, if it happened that peers in the industry were issuing longer-term options at sometime in the future, it might then need to be reconsidered in order to remain competitive and to retain personnel. However, that is not in view at all at this time.

This concluded the formal part of the meeting, and it was completed at 10:28 a.m.

A Company presentation followed, for which I will post separately.


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