Wildcat Exploration Ltd

Welcome To The Wildcat Exploration Ltd HUB On AGORACOM Wildcat Exploration Limited is a publicly traded company actively exploring in Canada for precious and base metals.
in response to res-investor's message

The last time this happened I bought well over 500K shares, the price solidified and moved back into the mid teens.

It would appear that Managment know the discontent of some of the long time shareholders and may be sitting on news / promotion untill some have sold off their position, much easier to find new homes for stock when it is oversold.

I have my stink bids in in the .05 & .06 range... content to wait it out.... after this long I'm not content to fire sale outa here..... heck ya never know the price may be so low now SKP can't resist taking a run at WEL! I sure as heck would if I were them. That would achieve critical Mass for SKP as they would control the majority of the whole Bisset area..... SKP would be a $1.00+ shock...JMHO

If the wts expire unused the dilution to SKP would be minimal if the relative valuations continue to deteriorate. This is what I have been trying to comunicate, extending the wts provides potentially additional cash to WEL, keeps investors on side and is also a deturent should an oportunistic move be made on WEL.

I suggest managment learn chess, it appears they are willing to expose their Queen to unneccesary risk and end up loosing the match if they don't get more defensive and take up an offensive posture.


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