Wildcat Exploration Ltd

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Maybe I am wrong but here is my lamans terms to puting the big picture together.

It seams to be clear that the volcanics are the material which brought up the gold provided to the deposits which permiate the Bissett area. The lidar provides the subsurface contours which seam to indicate where the mineralization percipitated .. the low areas being the targets.

SGR info indicates these volcanic flows trend from as far west as Horseshoe lake.

This could have been a singular event... I think likely the most recent event.

Thus this material has to have originated from some location... A picture is being formed in my mind similar to many of the volcanos throughout the world... these intrude material into the cone until the stresses on the structure cause on side to rupture annd thus a curved structure remains with the flow of material spilling out of the ruptured side.

If this was the case the Horseshoe lage area would indicate the side of that cone.

Thus the same material which enriched the low lying areas would also be present up to the semi circular portion of that cone.

What hay have happened is that this was a multiple event and the poundmaker area was the flow from a much earlier time or from another similar structure.

The ice ages which followed flatening out most of the topography.

Thats why I figure the Horseshoe Lake area could hold huge potential for WEL...

Who knows for sure. One thing I do know.... and that is that nobody will find anything untill the exploration gets underway and the drill is put into the ground... Thats how San Gold has had sucess and thats how every other exploration company has driven value.... and that takes money first and formost to fund that exploration.

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