Wellgreen Platinum Ltd.

Welcome To The Wellgreen Platinum HUB On AGORACOM Over $20 Billion in recoverable metal

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The BIG MONEY, we believe, will be made by investing in the mining and energy sectors.

Yes, the last 2 years or so have been very challenging and disappointing for many junior mining shares, but those of us sharing here and a number of analysts expect this to change soon.

These challenging and dangerous times remind us of the Chinese symbols for Danger and Opportunity.

With junior shares and warrants selling at such Dangerously low prices, many of us consider this to be an Opportunity of a lifetime.

Whole bunch of small Mining companies I like are now trading for less than $1.00. Some of my very personal favorites are currently selling for pennies.

When the top of the bull market in commodities is reached within the next several years, the majority of my investor friends believe these stocks will be selling for many, many, many dollars per share.

Yes, and we hope that NKL and PCY shares will be leading the way.

One of the favorite analysts I follow believes it will be difficult to find ANY mining shares selling for less than $5.00 in the years ahead.

Thanks goes to Eodway for making this Agoracom NKL site available so we all can care to share our thoughts here.

So bang away when you feel that you have good input and share your information in these regards for benefit of all.

Now we wait with bated breath for the Market to open tomorrow to see what it brings.

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Wellgreen Platinum Ltd.
Fully Diluted: 142.7 MM shares
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