Victoria Gold Corp

Victoria’s transformation and growth has been significant over the past twelve months, including the completion of two major corporate transactions adding a total of 4.4 million ounces of gold that are National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) compliant to the Company, and successfully completing the Phase 1 drill campaign at the Helen Zone located at the Cove project in Nevada, USA.

January 11, 2011 4:12:00 PM ET

Yukon Gold Mining Alliance Hosts First eYukon Room

YUKON, CANADA--(Marketwire - January 11, 2011) - The Yukon Gold Mining Alliance is pleased to announce the first Yukon Mining Investment Conference, the eYukon Room, an online virtual conference on Wed. January 19th and Thurs. January 20th, 2011. The eYukon Room is an online, two-day mining investment show highlighting all aspects of the investment industry, designed to provide investment and networking opportunities in publicly traded mineral exploration and mining companies alongside a conference program with leading speakers and experts on the Yukon.

"We are pleased to host the first virtual conference on the Yukon and host such a prestigious group of presenters and exhibiting companies," said YGMA Chair Scott Kent. "The Yukon is an incredible jurisdiction and with over 100 junior exploration companies now active in the Territory we want to encourage a forum to present leading companies and expertise highlighting the Yukon Advantage."

The eYukon Room will be held on Wednesday, January 19th & Thursday, January 20th, 2011 and features trade show booths from leading Yukon companies, presentations and expert panels offering:

--  real-time access to leading companies and experts in mining's hottest
--  an interactive forum on the new Yukon Gold Rush from the comfort of your
    office or home 
--  expert insight into investing with companies leading the charge in the
    new Gold Rush 
--  information on why the Yukon is attracting capital investment as a world
    leading mining jurisdiction  

The eYukon Room, an interactive investment conference connecting you to Yukon companies and expertise. Leading Speakers at the eYukon Room include:
Shawn Ryan, Prospector responsible for the White Gold discoveries           
Rick Rule, Global Resource Investments Ltd.                                 
David and Eric Coffin, HRA Advisories                                       
Chris Berry, House Mountain Partners                                        
Michael Berry, PhD, Morning Notes                                           
Dr. Harvey Brooks, Deputy Minister - Yukon Government                       
Mike Burke, Yukon Geological Survey                                         
Brent Cook, Exploration Insights                                            
Dave Forest, Pierce Points                                                  
Mickey Fulp, The Mercenary Geologist                                        
Greg McCoach, The Mining Speculator                                         
Bill Murphy, Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee                               
Lawrence Roulston, Resource Opportunities                                   

To register for the eYukon Room or for more information please visit or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

The Yukon Gold Mining Alliance

The Yukon Gold Mining Alliance (YGMA) is a non-profit industry association with a current membership of eight companies working in Yukon mineral exploration and development. The YGMA's goals include:

--  To liaise between the mining industry and financing sources; 
--  To work together to promote awareness of and strengthen investment in
    member companies and the Yukon; 
--  To collectively identify a group of established companies which are
    committed to mineral exploration and development in the Yukon. 

All member companies must have known resources and significant identified project expenditures in the Yukon. A company must have established 43-101 resources or must have spent $2.5 million in drilling programs in Yukon in five of the last seven years. Companies must also adopt and adhere to a corporate sustainability policy including community relations, environmental responsibility and labour relations.

The current members of the Yukon Gold Mining Alliance are Alexco Resource Corporation (TSX: AXR; NYSE-AMEX: AXU), AM Gold (TSX.V: AMG); Capstone Mining Corporation (TSX: CS), Copper Ridge Explorations (TSX: KRX), Golden Predator Corp (TSX: GPD), Northern Freegold Resources (TSX-V: NFR), Victoria Gold Corporation (TSX-V: VIT) and Western Copper Corporation (TSX: WRN).

Scott Kent serves as the Chair of the YGMA. Mr. Kent has experience as a Yukon Cabinet Minister, Executive Committee Member of the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board and past Executive Director of the Yukon Chamber of Mines.


January 11, 2011

The Yukon Advantage

The member companies of the Yukon Gold Mining Alliance have the expertise and resources to carry out mineral exploration and development all around the globe. And in fact, they do just that. Several of our member companies have mineral properties both in the Yukon and elsewhere. However, Alliance members have recognized that the Yukon star is on the rise. It's being called one of the best and most exciting jurisdictions in the world in which to conduct mineral exploration and mining. Here's why....

--  The Yukon has world-class deposits, with 2,700 known mineral occurrences
    and more than 80 mineral deposits with established reserves, some of
    which are the largest known in the world. 
--  The Yukon Geological Survey carries out unparalleled research and
    maintains extensive data on Yukon geological and mineral deposits. 
--  The Yukon controls and manages its natural resources. 
--  The Yukon government understands business, promotes investment and
    supports responsible development. 
--  The Yukon offers favourable tax incentives and mining laws that provide
    secure mineral tenure and has a single coordinated approach to
    environmental assessment. 
--  The Yukon's royalties are amongst the most competitive in Canada. 
--  Most Yukon First Nations have finalized land claim and self government
    agreements, providing even greater regulatory certainty. 
--  The Yukon has well-developed infrastructure, including more than 4,800
    kilometres of all-weather roads, numerous airports, clean energy,
    Internet and cell phone service throughout the territory. 
--  The Yukon has direct access to Asia via two ice-free ports in
    neighbouring Alaska. 
--  The Yukon has a long history of mining, with the mineral industry
    forming the foundation of the territory's private sector economy for
    over a century. 
--  And, perhaps most encouraging, recent increases in mineral exploration
    activity have quickly reaped rewards, with significant discoveries in
    gold, silver and copper. 

We invite you to contact us and find out more.

Yukon Gold Mining Alliance
Tiffany Duncan

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