Victoria Gold Corp

Victoria’s transformation and growth has been significant over the past twelve months, including the completion of two major corporate transactions adding a total of 4.4 million ounces of gold that are National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) compliant to the Company, and successfully completing the Phase 1 drill campaign at the Helen Zone located at the Cove project in Nevada, USA.
in response to BurningRoF's message

I have some issues with this so-called analysts evealuation of VIT. As a geologist I find that the structural model VIT is currently applying to Santa Fe is highly encouraging. The analyst stated these were elusive high grade targets - nothing new there - but based on VIT's track record so far at Santa Fe - VIT is applying what appears to be a good model to the deposit and are absolutely nailing the gold targets. I worked on Santa Fe back in the 80's and it truly is complex - and I applaud the results of VIT so far. Santa Fe is one reason I bought 50,000 shares - it's a big system and VIT may have the skill to make it happen.

As for speculating for the future of VIT based on whether NEM backs in is ludicrous. I personally would rather NOT see NEM back in. VIT would retain full control and end up with a stronger asset base. Chad has already stated he wanted VIT to be a gold miner and not just farm out plays. The resource base that VIT has built thus far already bodes well for the future by itself. As an exploration geologist that has been involved with several projects that were followed through to production - I can say that I have routinely been un-impressed with the larger gold concerns. Many times they have not demonstrated as much creativity (or willingness to succeed) as some of the juniors. There are countless projects out there that have been botched by the big boys.

If NEM does not back in - I will actually be buying more VIT.

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